The other day I glanced down at the blog post tracker inside my post settings section and went, “Four hundred posts!? What the hell have I written four hundred posts about??!!”
Soooo I decided the only option was to go through them all and figured it out.
Here, after two hours and more than a few whatwasIthinking moments (Again, John Legend, really sorry about that…) are the results:
- Posts regarding specific guys I am unsure whether or not I want to/should date: 3
- Posts about specific guys I have dated: 2
- Posts about specific guys I was currently dating when writing the post: 0 (see, you can totally date me and not get written about. Just don’t break up with me!)
- Posts about specific dates I’ve been on: 6
- Posts written by Pierson: 4
- Post on the issue of getting a job: 2
- Posts about not hooking up: 4
- Posts about hooking up, sex and issues surrounding: 7
- Posts regarding the widsom of other people, famous or otherwise: 11
- Posts about work, working, not wanting to work: 4
- Posts reflecting back on college, childhood: 4
- Posts about how annoying slash difficult yet rewarding slash inspiring to make art: 4
- Posts about the “quarterlife crisis”, if we’re having it, why we’re having it, what it feels like to be having it, how to stop having it…: 8
- Posts that question WTF we’re doing with our lives…: 11
- Posts that just share random stories about my life, relevant or otherwise: 12
- Posts within that set that make me look like an idiot: 11
- Posts about my Mom: 4
- Posts about New York City, and my over-the-top love for it: 4
- Posts specifically about The Facebook: 4
- Open letters ranting at people I’ll never actually get the chance to talk to: 6
- Posts about online dating: 4
- Posts about what the hell is going on in the minds of guys, and how it’s usually crazy: 8
- See above, replace with girls: 11
- Posts about the differences between guys and girls: 6
- Posts about breaking up, and how you’re probably doing it wrong: 3
- Posts about cheating, and how you’re probably doing it even though you think you’re not: 7
- Posts about chivalry and whether or not it is dead: 4
- Posts surrounding the issue of finding people to date, where the are, how you can get them once you find them, if you should do it in a given manner, why it’s hard, why we’re bad at it, etc: 25
- Posts regarding the fact that we’re not particularly good at dating once we find someone, what we do wrong, how we should behave, why we’ll probably never learn: 20
- Posts discussing general dating etiquette and rules, if they exist, what you should never do, what you should do more of, if what someone I specifically know did was good or bad: 25
- Posts that essentially say, “you’d be in a relationship if…”: 7
- Posts regarding actually being in a relationship: 10
- And, of course, posts about that time my laundry lady tried to set me up with a fellow customer, how she did it, what happened, a if I’ve ever seen him again: 9
And that’s – essentially – the whole of it. Yes Abby, I know they don’t add up to 405. It just didn’t seem necessary to make a whole category for “Posts about the fact that I got to keep my rent controlled apartment” or “Posts about my outfits”.
People always ask, “what’s your blog about” – when someone else tells them I write one (405 posts and I still haven’t gotten the self-promo thing down…). I tend to say something like – it’s about being in your 20s and everything that involves? – a vague answer but one that doesn’t lump me into the category of relationship blogger.
Apparently I should say, “well, about 50% of it is about the fact that nobody really knows what they’re doing life or dating-wise, a good chunk is my ideas around why that is and how we can fix that, then there’s some wisdom from old people, a good chunk of coverage on freaking out because we’re not getting any younger, some stuff about my Mom, and a 9-post series on my dry cleaner pimping me out. You should check it out!”
Thanks to everyone who’s inspired any of the stories that make up the 405, and sorry to anyone who wasn’t aware they’d inspired one until they read it…
Comments are closed.
At this rate, you’ll reach 500 posts sometime in November. Can we reserve a time now to celebrate in NYC?
Big blog party! Let me know if you want help to start planning it now.
Hmm….I would have to say that this is pretty impressive. It looks like a lot of followers agree with you (myself included), and your follower count speaks for itself. Congratulations for keeping it going and staying fresh along the way. I hope I will be half as influential. I look forward to reading more!
and they are all wonderful!
wow I hope to be able to reach that someday within in the NEAR future. Keep it coming, because us 20-somethings really don’t know what’s going on in life