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July 2010

The husband litmus test

admin - July 27, 2010

–> Time to come clean about something I think will prove wildly helpful regarding the pursuit of correct life partners. …that or forever confirm that I’m a total nut case. I’m willing to take the risk. There is a universal standard by which I uphold all men who reach the point of wow-I-like-this-guy in my head. Not like – has a solid 401K (I’m not …

The other side of yesterday’s story or, today’s dose of chills

admin - July 15, 2010

After yesterday’s post I received the following e-mail from one “M” – the female half of yesterday’s “Sed” story. Subject line: We don’t play baseball in Scotland, but I still get the metaphor. M had a few things to clarify, a few more to expand upon, and a story about risk-taking in the name of romance that will give you chills. It’s published here with …

Baseball metaphors and the most major romantic decisions

admin - July 14, 2010

–> It wasn’t until my friend – we’ll call him Sed – posed the question relative to his own life-decision that I realized I’ve never tackled the when-do-you-take-the-major-romantic-leap-of-faith? issue. We’ve been through should-I-go-on-a-second-date-with-him-or-not? and should-I-break-up-with-her-or-no? And of course is-this-game-playing-ever-going-to-turn-into-something-real-or-not? But what about do I ask her to move clear across the country for me after we’ve known each other for 6 months? Or, do I …

Suburban Sabbatical Week 10: My Busband and me

admin - July 12, 2010

I realize it’s been weeks since I’ve updated on my suburban Summer. It’s not for lack of material. It’s just that once I start in on a topic – no matter the direction – it somehow downward spirals into the conclusion that living 1.5 hours bus-ride-hours away from your entire existence suuuucks. And I try not to say sucks too much; it upsets my Mom. …

What if no one’s parents paid for anything after college?

admin - July 7, 2010

High time for another series (because those have been so successful for us…), I think. What If _______? in which we pose an unthinkable question relating to the 20-nothing life then imagine how it would unfold if it came true.(The “we” part happens when you submit comments) Post #1: What if no one’s parents paid for anything after college? I mean no one’s and anything. …