Hi! You’ve reached my (beloved) former blog. Come find me & my current work at JessieRosen.com

What the Cox-Arquettes can teach us about the “freebie fix”

October 27, 2010

Week 8 in LA: What a difference every single day makes

October 27, 2010

The 500th Post Favors

October 27, 2010

Today is the 500th post.

I usually mark major blog milestones with some sap-filled opus about the power of the written word or the inspiration of good friends, or the fact that you too can have all this and more if you just wake up insanely early and only associate with people who don’t care about being misquoted.

The 500 mark is no less proud a moment, but today in a spirit of I-wrote-you-500-posts, what-have-you-done? I’ve decided to turn the tables.

Yes, it’s been a personal joy and group effort and source of advancement for my career, but it’s also been a whoa lot of work. So in celebration of how far we’ve come I’d like to request a few 20-Nothings-themed favors to help ensure we keep going, but better:

  • If you’re going home with him slash her (but probably him) because you think going home it will make him like you more so he might eventually want to date you – don’t do it.
  • The very next time you’re inclined to post a Facebook status update bragging about _______ place you’re at with ________ amazing people eating _________ ridiculous food on behalf of _________ insane company you do business with, just don’t.
  • If someone says “I love you” before you’re ready to say “I love you” back, don’t panic and blurt it out so you’re even. Say something to the degree of, “I feel the same way about you but I want to say it in my own moment.” Yes, I know how lame that sounds, but it’s better than faking that major moment.
  • If someone says, “I love you” after an amount of time greater than 6 months, and you’re still not ready to say it back to them, stop dating them.
  • Make a phone call today to tell someone you’re thinking about them. Your Mom, your Dad, a sibling, a grandparent, a college friend a co-worker – I don’t care. We don’t do that enough, and it’s really nice – for both parties involved. Really do it, today.
  • Watch yourself very carefully the next time you’re involved in an argument with the person you’re dating. There may come a moment when you are inclined to say, “you know what, it’s fine” or “okay, fine, whatever” or “okay, fine, let’s drop it.” Try really, really hard to avoid the “fine” line. Saying something is fine ironically means it is absolutely not fine. Say what it actually is and things will get better, faster.
  • I’m not saying you have to vote (though it would be really helpful if you did, and for the correct party), but just to help save us from turning into a totally apathetic nation, could you be sure you know who’s running for the major offices in this upcoming election? I’m asking because I recently had to do it myself after being totally mortified when someone asked me, and I didn’t know. I used the, “I just moved here” defense.
  • Try really hard not to fake it when you’re having you-know-what. I knowI know but try.
  • The next time you get wronged in any way and say, “I know, but he/she just didn’t seem that like that of guy/girl” remember two things. 1. people lie, and 2. everyone has the potential to be “that kind of guy/girl.”
  • And finally – if you have enjoyed this blog for any and all posts you’ve read of the 500 posts I’ve written, could you do me a huge favor and forward it to one person today with a, “give this a read!” referral? You can shoot them my twitter (@20Nothings) if that’s easier. I’m not much for self-promotion, so a little word-of-mouth push to celebrate this milestone would be greatly appreciated. Note: at 1,000 posts I may start charging…

Thank you, all. Joking aside (as always) it’s been worth every minute spent writing every word.


  1. Yeah, congrats on your 500th post! I’m new to reading your blog on a regular basis, but I love it and I’ll totally recommend it!

  2. Yes, everyone has the potential to be a complete asshole. I learned that the hard way. I didn’t want to believe that people could be so cruel.

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