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Things I learned about parenting by taking four kids under 12 to Disneyland over Christmas break

January 12, 2012

Food for Freak-out: The bad news about getting paid to do what you love?

January 12, 2012

Are You A Young Adult?

January 12, 2012

Answer the following yes or no questions to determine just how much like Mavis Gary – Charlize Theron’s WAY less than real-life ready character in YOUNG ADULT – you are!

1. Do you wake up face down on your bed in last night’s clothes with a massive hangover more than three times each week? Y / N

2. Do you chug diet coke in a futile effort to get over that hangover? Y / N

3. Do you have a dog named after a major fashion brand or reality TV personality? Y / N

4. Do you neglect that dog on a regular basis? Y / N

5. Do you live less than 100 miles from your hometown but treat it like it’s an alien planet? Y / N

6. Are you currently harboring a deep-seeded love for a former flame that is not at all grounded in reality? Y / N

7. Is he happily married? Y / N

8. Do you often find yourself wearing the same shirt several days in a row? Y / N

9. Is it often a shirt that you woke up in one day, several days ago? Y / N

10. Have you ever had a total and complete meltdown, then immediately slept with someone
you genuinely do not like? Y / N

11. Do you believe you have the capacity to learn from your mistakes and become a better person? Y / N

12. Are you drunk right now? Y / N


Give yourself one point for every “no” answer, two points for every “yes” answer on questions 1-11, and five points for a “yes” to question 12.


20-27 points – What are you doing with your life? The answer is, all the wrong things. Put that dog up for adoption, cut back on the booze, and get over the man. Bridget Jones’ Diary is an excellent read for this sort of life transformation.

15-20 pointsYou’re teetering, friend. Things are touch-and-go, but you’re not quite the disaster you could probably be. Congrats for that, but watch yourself if any adorable dogs become available or former flames become engaged.

0-15 pointsYou’re an actual adult. Kudos! Feel free to rub this in the face of your less-than real-life-ready friends and/or siblings. You may be slightly boring, but at least you’re not anything like a fictionalized character in a dark romantic comedy.

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