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This Is Who I Would Vote For If I Were a Member of the Academy

February 28, 2012

An SOS Re: Teens and These “Am I Ugly” Videos

February 28, 2012

Being Hungover, 28-year-old style.

February 28, 2012

A very disturbing thing occurred to me around hour 2.33 of the 84th Annual Academy Awards.

It started as a sort of dull head ache. It wasn’t a sinus head ache (back of the eyes) or a hunger headache (for me, somewhere between the temples and the back of the neck). It was more like a woozy head ache, kind of like the way your head feels when you’re hungover.

That’s when it occurred to me: I was HUNGOVER, MID PARTY.

Around age 25 I came to terms with the fact that I’d never be able to drink “like I used to.” The mid-twenties hangovers were, for me, a completely crippling proposition. By 27 I’d officially become a “cheap date.” I could feel a glass of wine hit me after four or five sips. By my second drink I was, as people over 40 say, “toasted.” The idea of a third or fourth cocktail meant surrendering the entire next day to the spins.

And yet, at least those unfortunate conditions were still within the realm of logic. They’re what happens when you get older. They’re the body saying, “Sorry old friend. This rager has shifted into dinner party mode.” There is a distinct difference between getting more hungover and getting hungover MID DRINKING.

Sos to be clear about how completely ridiculous and unacceptable this situation is, below are the drinks I consumed at their approximate time of consumption:

  • 3:30pm – Glass of Barefood Pinot Grigio Champagne to accompany E! Red Carpet Coverage. I filled half a wine glass with this delicious half vino, half champs blend and sipped it to completion, approximately 20 minutes later. For the record I don’t love Pinot Grigio and only drink champagne if I’m feeling fancy, but I did enjoy the combo.
  • 4:15pm – Half of a can of La Croix seltzer, lemon lime flavor, aka NOT ALCOHOL. The champs made me thirsty so I shared a seltzer with R and, in an unplanned move, slowed the climb toward toasted.
  • 5:00pm – Second glass of PGChamps. Again, half a glass. Again, delicious. This time I accompanied the bubbly with a FULL plate of food including Tinker Tailor Shepard Pie, The Ides of Starch (mac n’ cheese), an Extremely Brown Incredible Roast, some Glen Cous Cous with Albert Nobbs of Feta, and a bit of my own Brie of Life. The food should have soaked up the booze, but I found myself fairly tipsy around Best Costume Design. Speaking of, that was 100% J. Lo’s nipple. No doubt about it.
  • 6:00pm – 3rd glass of PGChampas. I know what you’re thinking, but it is worth pointing out that these were little glasses (5 or 6 ounces), and that I once lead a Drinking Survivor team to a case race win by drinking (EYE MUFFS MOM!!) 4 beers in 10 minutes.

Now at this point I started to feel pretty tipsy, so I broke from the boozing and had another 1/2 can of seltzer. No, I don’t know why I can’t drink a full can of seltzer, but I can’t.

  • 7:00pm – A FULL HOUR later I poured myself a glass of the blood orange-infused vodka based punch that my friend Jordan gifted upon the party. His pun: Maybe She’s Born With It Maybe It’s Abbeline’s Party Punch.

Maybe the highest proof was in the punch because around 8:00 that dull headache started to roll in, and by 8:30 I was a tad on the woozy side, aka HUNGOVER. Drunk is blurry/happy. Hungover is hurty/woozy, and unfortunately this fell on that side of the divide.

So this is what it’s come to. I’m 28 years old, and I get hungover after consuming four light beverages in as many hours. This is almost as mortifying as the fact that my knees now hurt a little after walking in heels all day long. I used to walks MILES in heels for HOURS at a time. This is unacceptable…unacceptable and embarrassing.

And yet, it was sort of nice to wake up feeling fresh as a flower. I was mid hangover by the time I hit the sack. My 8am the next morning was like noon after a night of drinking in my early twenties.

Also, flats are kind of comfortable.


  1. I can’t give you an answer for why you started to feel hungover mid-drinking other than perhaps you were drinking too slowly??

    Also, a glass of wine is 4oz., so your “small” 5-6oz glass was actually larger than a standard glass of wine.

  2. I’m proud to say that I was on that Drinking Survivor case race team. We rocked. And yet, I’m 100% with you on this. My hangovers these days are as much emotionally crippling as they are physically. Not only do I have to deal with the headache and nausea, but also the reality that I am getting older. Ugh.

  3. hey! i’ve been reading your blog periodically for a while, but have always been a lurker. this post, however, made me laugh because until just this year, i have been living with my college roommate. we’re 26 now, but its been amazing watching our hangovers and drinking patterns change. she finds that its well liquor that does her in, but for me its super sugar-y drinks. still, the hangovers are less violent retching than in college, but more all day moaning. apparently, we have even more pain to look forward to!

  4. I had to laugh because… I totally get it. Thank God I listened to people who were older than me when I was younger and really lived it up.


  5. I totally know what you mean! I’m a new reader, by the way. I am 27 and over the last six months or so my metabolism has slowed, I can’t “hang” like I used to and I require 8 hours of sleep. I am aging.

  6. I recently started having a similar problem, but it was self-imposed… I moved to Washington, DC, where I started drinking much more heavily than I did even in college (where two Mike’s hard lemons would get me to Giddy Drunk). Then I slowed it down, mostly because we were spending ridiculous amounts of money going out. Once I slowed, hangovers suddenly got way worse. Ugh.

    For the record, I think you’re just a lighweight who mixed badly… having vodka AFTER wine is a recipe for disaster… I made this mistake not a month ago!

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