This morning I spent 25 minutes and two really nice shirts attempting to eat a grapefruit, hence this post.
This is not a means to develop New Years Resolutions in one plus months time or some kind of whoa-is-me post, it’s simply a collection of facts…that I’d love if the 30-year-olds among you could agree with in comments.
10. Eat a grapefruit – Are you supposed to have one of those spoons with the teeth on the edge to make this happen without spraying juice all over the place? I literally have no idea. I’ve seen people do it many times before and yet my attempts ended in approximately two scoops of grapefruit in my mouth and three cups of grapefruit juice on my kitchen floor. I considered YouTubing it but that just felt too lame to bare, even along in my apartment wearing my work slippers.
9. Blow dry my hair – I can make my hair dry with the use of a blow dryer but I can’t “blow out” my hair, as the cool girls say. This is partly because I had curly hair for most of my life, but it’s mostly because whenever I start in on the sections with the clips and the round brush business my arms get really tired, and I give up.
8. Understand health insurance – Deductible and premium are two works that I will never fully get in the context of health insurance. Luckily I have fairly good insurance through my freelance gig, but there may come a time when I have to fend for myself coverage wise, and if that time comes I will be very, very screwed.
7. Crack and egg without getting shell in the bowl – This doesn’t happen to me 100% of the time, but it happens enough times to be both annoying and concerning. I’ve taken to blaming the fancy eggs R gets at the Farmer’s Market, but we both know that’s a lie we’re both letting me get away with.
6. De-plane a plane without completely losing my mind – The lack of efficiency with which other people exit an airplane is infuriating. It’s as if they’re not equally dying to get off the germ-infested, fresh air void, leg-cramped vessel. I am admittedly at my worst as a human when sitting in my seat waiting for slow people to grab their things out of the overhead bin and walk in a straight line, but I feel my behavior is justified.
5. Read in the car without getting car sick – Guys, I can’t even look at my iPhone map for too long without getting a head ache. It’s so mortifying. My mom claims that Harry Potter cured her of car sickness because she was so engaged in the book that she didn’t even think about feeling nauseous, but I’ve already read Harry Potter so it seems I’m screwed for life.
4. Finish a can of seltzer – Or a glass… Or, while we’re at it, a cup of coffee, tea or juice of any kind. In fact, the only beverage I seem to be able to drink without letting it get too warm (beer, seltzer, etc.) or cold (coffee) is a dirty martini. I can’t explain this other than to say I get really full when drinking liquids. This made the three-day Pressed Juice cleanse I once attempted the worst three days of my life.
3. Paint my own nails – Can’t do it, and it’s not just because I’ve been spoiled by cheap, perfect manicures for the past decade. I blame the fact that I’m left handed, but the truth is I’m impatient and never know how much polish is too much polish to have on the brush.
2. Play a sport – This is technically untested because there are plenty of sports that I have never tried to play, but the fact is that at this given moment I am capable of playing zero sports. Not even tennis. I’m considering asking R for a tennis racket for the holidays but then I’ll have to learn how to use it which feels like a pretty herculean task.
1. Not eat way too much cheese if there is a lot of cheese available – I used to think it was a will-power issue but now I know it’s a physical impossibility. I am currently doing a vegan-before-6PM thing so I can’t be within 100 yards of cheese at any given moment.
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This made me feel a lot better about my life. Also, if you take a paring knife around the inside of the peel (but outside of the flesh), then use it to separate the flesh from each membrane, you will be fairly juice-free when eating a grapefruit. Cross that one off your list.
I can’t make it through a single winter without losing multiple pairs of gloves. I am really careful with my belongings (I’ve had the same phone for 4+ years, never lost a set of keys, etc.), but for some reason, it is impossible for me to hold onto gloves. I literally have to buy 3 or 4 pairs in the fall and then by spring, I’m usually down to 2 mismatched gloves or just shoving my gloveless hands in my pockets.
I would add not spill the second sip of my drink down my shirt. I’m always on drink one when it happens but somehow I always miss my mouth like a two year old or excessively drunk. I guess I have to focus more of the second sip… love this post!
While I’m only 27, I think we may be the same person! My grandma was the only person I knew who ate a grapefruit every morning and she had one of those spoons you talked about.
HILARIOUS! I can seriously relate to #6 & 7.
Grapefruit: Spoon pointed straight down, spoon out each side along the skinny middle sections (gently) then spoon the fruit away from the rind. Lift. Enjoy. Or – don’t put on your good shirt until you’re done eating the grapefruit, abandon all etiquette, go crazy. Health Insurance: Premium is what you pay each month to own the policy. Deductible is the part you pay when you go to the doc before the insurance takes over and picks up the other part of the tab. Don’t ask me what the H the copay is for. You don’t have to understand it. Work for an employer or hire a broker who does. Egg: you’re doing it too hard (maybe same sitch with the grapefruit.). Planes: Choose patience. Carsick: Comes with age. Welcome. Seltzer: Who drinks seltzer?! Cheese: Eat as much as you can before age takes over and you can no longer digest dairy! (So I hear.) I like your blog.
Thanks for sharing
I’m turning 30 in just over two weeks and my anxiety has been climbing steadily as the days pass (not seriously, but you know what I mean). I’m so glad I stumbled upon your blog today and found this post, because not only do I feel a ton better, but I can’t do any of those things, either! Not a single one. Thank you for reminding me that I’m not alone and making me laugh in the process.
great blog very funny, I too struggle with nail polish and those smug ‘I do it perfect’ women with na’er a stroke out of place get on my nerves!
I couldn’t #9 either. I went to a big event for women in advertising with all these cool booths and one was teaching how to blow out your hair with a round brush. I failed. Miserably. After about 10 mins the guy was totally frustrated by my inept brush and dryer holding abilities he actually asked me to move on so I wouldn’t hold up the line. Well, years later I showed him. I found the Revlon dryer brush thing. My hair gets dry and volumized and shined up with little to no static. It’s amazing. I highly recommend. It’s also available in store at Target.