As of Saturday afternoon, R and I will be puppy parents. We survived eight days in a car together directly after our wedding. Now it’s time to put this brand new marriage to an even bigger test!
Louie (formerly Gouda) is one of “The Cheeze Wiz Kids” born to a poodle/schnauzer mix named Poodalini. Our good friends Carley and Chelsea helped their mom Roz raised the puppies from birth to eight weeks, and now they’re ready to head to their fur-ever homes. The photobomber in the back is Brie. Cheddar and Stilton – the boys – have already been adopted. Brie, Mozz, and Feta – the girls – are still available! Contact Dogs Without Borders in Los Angeles if you are interested.
More on this big life step tomorrow in a piece I was invited to write for The Huffington Post about letting go of “perfect.” Though, come on, with that perfect face who cares about sleeping through the night and wiping pee off the floor?! Maybe you need another pic to be convinced:
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I can only imagine the great posts that are on the horizon involving this dog ha congrats on the new family member!