It’s not often that I write a piece offering an honest glimpse into a personal struggle that’s void of both sarcasm and issues involving “men” – but this most recent Lemondrop piece is just that. A little window into my own self-help solution to getting out of a major life rut. Though, according to my Mom, she invented this..
I am what people refer to as a “fixer.” I see, have or hear of a problem and within minutes I’ve developing a step-by-step process to reach … a solution. Come to me for advice and you’ll get a project plan. Come to me in tears and you’ll get several hugs, the food-fix of your choosing and a project plan.
It’s not that I lack compassion or empathy — it’s that I lack patience. I want it experienced, addressed, evaluated and solved before it seeps in and invites a when-it-rains-it-pours scenario.
On the positive end of this personality trait — I’m a thick-skinned Pollyanna with an impressive bounce-back rate. On the negative — when I come up against a problem without a quick enough fix, I’m crippled.
Such was the case one fall. I was struggling through a bad situation at a bad job, one of my best friends had moved across the country, my family was in pain dealing with the degenerative disease my grandmother had developed, and I was struggling with those typical post-grad questions of what am I doing? Am I ever going get out of this debt? And where are all the good guys? Simple, average problems but when combined, just the kind of pile that could send you into a deep rut.
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