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The Live-in Boyfriend to Personal Finances Connection

admin - June 5, 2012

I’ve been doing a little side writing for this fantastic personal finance site called LearnVest.com. For those of you familiar with my math skills and history of personal finance, stop laughing. My most recent piece was a really tricky one to write. As a fiercely independent female, I felt weird admitting to all the ways being in a relationship – and more specifically, moving in …

What Would Claire Huxtable Do

admin - May 31, 2012

If you’re either a long-time reader of this blog or one of the dozen female friends who suffered with me through my early 20’s, you know that I do not have an abundance of experience with relationships.  I have dated, some people for more than one month even, but until R, I did not reach the coupling milestones many people achieved by the time they …

The 700th Post

admin - May 29, 2012

This blog post is arriving way later today than I intended for it to arrive. For some reason the big 7-0-0 sent me into a tizzy – what to write? what to say? what to feel? 20-Nothings.com has been around since 2007. Somehow that feels like both a mere 25 and the full 700 posts ago.  At previous hund-o markers, I’ve reflected on how the …

Yes, really no more GIRLS recaps

admin - May 24, 2012

I feel badly that I haven’t addressed some of your comments about my GIRLS recaps directly, so I will now do so indirectly but with more words that I would have used in comment responses, so there’s that. THANK YOU for all the comments regarding my former Girls recaps. I appreciate those of you who agree with me, and I really appreciate those of you …

Wait, Wait??: Parents At Job Interviews Situation

admin - May 23, 2012

(This post comes to you a day late and a few nights of sleep short. Turns out that even though Puerto Rico is technically America, you can still get food poisoning there. Oof).  I can’t remember where I was when I first heard that the parents of recent college grads are accompanying them on job interviews, but I remember my reaction: what idiot news outlet …

Recipe for a Perfect Girls Vacation

admin - May 17, 2012

–> As you read this, I am on a beach in Puerto Rico with five of my best girlfriends from college. I am openly bragging about the glory that is this trip for the sake of girl-groups everywhere who make an effort to keep in touch as well as we do, and treat themselves to a vacation as often as they can. It is wildly …

BREAKING NEWS regarding men and the pick-up game

admin - May 15, 2012

Yesterday I heard someone say something and thought, “wow I have never even considered that genius thought before.” The someone was my friend/co-worker Jade, a thoughtful male of the 25-35-year-old range, and the something was exactly this: “Everything it takes for a man to be good at picking up a woman is exactly what you don’t want him to have in a relationship, and vice …

How To Avoid Becoming a Sad Jon Hamm…if there even is such a thing

admin - May 11, 2012

–> The topic of turning 30 in 1.5 years came up over dinner with a bunch of my girlfriends last night.  It’s a topic that’s coming up all too frequently these days, though I imagine it will get even worse in, say, 0.5 years. For better or worse, it’s major life milestones like turning 30 that make you question where you’re going, and if you’re …