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Two Genius Things To Improve Your Online Dating Plight

admin - February 2, 2012

It’s rare that I use the words “genius” and “online dating” in the same sentence, let alone blog headline. But in the case of these two game-changers, the hyperbole applies. Meet EATER DATING and HITCH.ME (aka LINKED IN DATING). Here are their stats: EATER DATING Origin: The popular food blog Eater.com Mission Statement: connect like food-minded people through like food-centric dates How It Works: (their …

Things I Used To Do To Impress Boys

admin - January 31, 2012

In light of the Superbowl this coming weekend, I’ve been reflecting on a whole host of things I used to do to impress boys. Here, in no particular order, is that very embarrassing list. Know About Sports Look. Bottom line. I don’t know sports. I’m one of four girls. We were raised ballet dancers, not athletes, and my poor father knew early on that we …

I have a 22-year-old friend who is walking across America

admin - January 26, 2012

Last week I had lunch with a 22-year-old boy named Ebram who is walking across America. Yes, literally walking. Yes, literally America. I didn’t know that’s what he was up to when my sister Sara connected us over e-mail. He was just a classmate of hers at Boston College (my own Alma mater) who wanted some advice on freelance writing. He did mention something about …

This is exactly what happens when you go for a mammogram

admin - January 24, 2012

Here is the longer version of my story recently published at Thought Catalog. The full version was only suited for smaller corners of the Internet… I went for my very first mammogram recently because I’m getting close to 30, insurance covers it, and sometimes my left boob is a little hurt-y. I realize that is TMI for many readers of this blog (hi Dad!), but …

When it is okay/right/appropriate/safe to say “I love you”?

admin - January 19, 2012

A week or so ago I got an e-mail from one of my best friends from college. The subject line: “those three words……” Her question: when, if ever? is it too early to say “I love you”?? Here is how I responded: A. I love that you sent me this e-mail. Means the world. B. I don’t have an official answer, but I have written …

Food for Freak-out: The bad news about getting paid to do what you love?

admin - January 17, 2012

I read the follow excerpt from an article called “The Overjustification Effect” that I found on a website called YouAreNotSoSmart.com. I should have known any article from a website by that name would piss me off.It’s a long piece with a lot of history on psychologists’ understandings of the way humans are motivated and fulfilled – interesting stuff if you’re interested in that stuff. Below …

Are You A Young Adult?

admin - January 12, 2012

Answer the following yes or no questions to determine just how much like Mavis Gary – Charlize Theron’s WAY less than real-life ready character in YOUNG ADULT – you are! 1. Do you wake up face down on your bed in last night’s clothes with a massive hangover more than three times each week? Y / N 2. Do you chug diet coke in a …

This explains why people are guarded (well…some people…specifically this person)

admin - January 5, 2012

R and I were having a conversation on the hike down from Runyon Canyon about the way I used to approach dating prior to our meeting. R likes to talk about this because it’s a confidence-boosting reminder that the way I dated other people prior to meeting him was bad/wrong/ridiculous. This specific conversation was about the psychology behind the actions of a “guarded girl.” R …

Resolving, 2012 edition

admin - January 3, 2012

Hello and Happy New Year after the longest blogging break I’ve taken to date. It felt good to take a breather from the regular writing, but it always feels better to come back. Naturally the first post of 2012 shall be resolution-themed. Luckily this one is a two-fer. 1. Here is a link to the article I wrote for Thought Catalog – 20 Resolutions for …