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Sometimes deciding you want something is the first, best step

admin - December 19, 2011

I was at a really lovely holiday dinner party last weekend attended by some good friends, some acquaintances, and some people I’d never met. It was the sort of event where conversation usually centers on what movies people have seen, what industry news people have been buzzing about or who already has plans for NYE (see, LA isn’t that bad). Which is why I was …

Girl scores $1,200+ in free meals from Match.com dates, blogger laments state of the dating world…

admin - December 14, 2011

If last week’s post about Mike who doth protest too much was a gem, today’s is a blood diamond. Meet Jessica Sporty – the girl who wracked up $1,200 a month in free dinners via match.com dates. Here is the article that broke her “story” and here is a “news story” ABC ran about her experience. There are a few important details before we get …

The Blog is 4 Years Old This Week

admin - December 12, 2011

When I graduated from college, I remember wondering if I would ever have as significant a growth experience over a mere four years. My time from freshman to senior year was life-defining, and luckily my roommates saved the four years of quote walls that prove it. Today marks another four year chunk of time, and as I look back on the 640 posts I’ve written …

Things we can all learn from the 1,615-word e-mail that investment banker wrote to the girl who “lead him on”

admin - December 8, 2011

Guys, today is a special day – a very special day – for it is only once in a brilliantly blue moon that we’re gifted the kind of gem my friend Nic forwarded my way yesterday afternoon. “I feel like you’ll appreciate this,” he said. Understatement of the fiscal quarter, Nic. Via this link you’ll find an e-mail written by a man named Mike to …

Driving Miss Jessie: a tale of female empowerment

admin - December 6, 2011

Sunday night I had R drop me off and then pick me up following my SUNDAY NIGHT SEX TALKS show (he can’t attend because he is a boy), and it threw my entire sense of independence for a loop. And you thought you had problems. When I was single, I used to make lots of grandiose statements about the things I would never do if/when …

All I Want For Christmas, literally

admin - December 2, 2011

Dear Santa slash All My Friends and Family, I believe I have been reasonably good this year (I paid off all my credit cards and didn’t intentionally rear-end any cars!) and, as such, would like to request the following gifts in honor of the upcoming holidays. I’ve provided images where necessary. Please see me with any questions. 1. For all Los Angeles drivers to be …

I recently heard some bad advice on LOVELINES regarding what defines a slut

admin - November 30, 2011

So I’m sitting in some bizarre, late-night traffic the other day, flipping the old radio dial, and I stumble upon a blast from our collective pasts – LOVELINES! Apparently it’s still around and hosted by some guy named Mike, some girl named Simone, and its now-famous originator, Dr. Drew. I dropped in on the program at the beginning of a call from a 17-year-old, Midwestern …

Things I Learned At My 10-Year High School Reunion

admin - November 28, 2011

I survived, and not just barely. Despite the apprehensions, nerves, and my mother’s insistence that I was wearing something out of season, the event was a success. 100 of the 300+ FTHS 2001 grads attended, and 75% of the people I was most excited to see were part of that group. Of course no highly-anticipated, first-time, 20-something experience is without its list of learnings. Here, …

Six Fashion Trends That Make Me Feel Like My Grandmom

admin - November 22, 2011

I remember watching the old church ladies who sat in the front row of my suburban New Jersey church roll their eyes as a jeans clad parishioner precessed up for Communion. “What do they think this is??” I could hear their eye-rolls says, “the Costco?!” Two weeks ago I had a similar reaction to a young professional I saw sporting a less than professional, but …