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Advice for Occupy Wall Street: make love + equality

admin - October 19, 2011

I know that this is not cool to say. I know that the Occupy Wall Street (et al) movement is a serious thing rooted in a real issue facing our country and so many others. I really do believe in the movement, the gravity of the issue at hand and the powerful manner in which the protesters have decided to go about their campaign. Honestly …

There are really only 6.5 ways to meet someone (to date)

admin - October 17, 2011

There’s been a lot of where-have-all-the-good-people-to-date-gone? talk around and about me as of late. Frankly I’m not sure where they are now, and I’m not sure I knew where they were before. What I do know is that people will drive themselves up a wall trying to figure out what they should be doing differently to find them. I know this because I was people. …

Word to the Wise: Think twice about where you arrange for the parents to meet the parents…

admin - October 14, 2011

No, not me (yet…), but please enjoy this story from my great friend John who recently went through this whole ordeal in a shall-we-say “magical” manor… Jessie and I were emailing back and forth about my recent trip to Florida and I said: “You know where is NOT a very good place for your parents to meet your significant other’s parents for the first time? …

Some thoughts on a new article about how people are more single than they’ve ever been

admin - October 12, 2011

Every so often someone (but usually The Atlantic) features a massive article about the state of dating, relationships and marriage. A few years ago it was that now famous piece about settling (Marry Him! The Case for Settling for Mr. Good Enough). Today they’ve shifted the pendulum to the opposite side with a piece from Kate Bolick called All The Single Ladies. This one is …

How To Move To Los Angeles: Regarding Road Rage

admin - October 10, 2011

Now that I’ve lived in L.A. for 1+ years I feel wise enough to switch my “L.A. ____ Month’s In” series to a regular “How To Move To Los Angeles” feature. The main difference will be a title, but if I’ve learned one thing in my 1+ years in this city it’s that you can never underestimate the importance of a title (cough-BitchinApartment23-cough).And so we …

Regarding this whole “interns sue Fox Searchlight” situation

admin - October 4, 2011

Have you heard about this whole “interns sue Fox Searchlight” situation? It’s a really interesting story. The basics are that two men – one Alex Footman (a 2009 Weslyan Grad who interned as a production PA) and one Eric Glatt (a 42-year-old with an MBA who interned in the film’s accounting department) – are now suing Fox Searchlight with hopes of securing a class action …

My Secret Single Behavior

admin - September 30, 2011

In addition to people in my peer group getting engaged like it’s going out of style, they’re also “moving in” like there’s no tomorrow. Spoiler Alert: I may or may not be among those numbers within the coming year. Let’s leave it at … I’ve allowed the discussion to to be left on the table. This is exciting. This is meaningful. This is a development …