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Do people really treat you differently the minute you get married?

admin - September 26, 2011

My good friend Michelle observed a very specific change in the way people treated her after she got married – two specific groups of people, to be precise. Michelle is a 30-year-old successful professional both well-liked and well-respected in her industry. She dated her now husband for approximately 2 years prior to their wedding day. Her now husband is an equally well liked/respected member of …

20-Nothings 2.0

admin - September 23, 2011

I decided that after almost 4 years it was time for a blog re-design! I think the new look is decidedly more “I’m-in-my-late-twenties-now” than my original. Special shout-out of thanks to Brittany Holloway Brown who successfully re-created me in cartoon form. She knew just what I meant by, “can we try a booty…maybe in a leopard print?” Also, my hair never looks that good. You …

I don’t think Zooey Deschanel is damaging the progress of modern women. Do you?

admin - September 20, 2011

Tonight I will be one among the (hopefully) millions of people oggling at Zooey Deschanel as she makes her network television debut in Fox’s 20-somethings comedy NEW GIRL. It will be the second time I watch this exact episode of television. The first was when the pilot was passed around the TV biz earlier this year (L.A. plus column item #43: advance screeners). I liked …

A case for test-driving adulthood: moving in edition

admin - September 19, 2011

No, this is not about me…yet. The following guest post is from a good friend and great writer who is exploring a new phase in her relationship through a lens I think many of you will totally understand. Enjoy! ADULTHOOD: Training Wheels Needed! I am the queen of taste tests – in fact, I don’t think I’ve ever walked into an ice cream shop and …

Is it ok to date someone you know you’ll eventually break up with?

admin - September 16, 2011

This is one of those questions that I’ve always thought about but never put to blog post. Say you’re just out of a long-term relationship, or say it’s been years since your last legit relationship, or say your Mom is more on your case about the fact that she thinks you’re a lesbian than she’s ever been before. Whatever the circumstance, you want a boyfriend …

Why I can’t bring myself to be a bohemian

admin - September 13, 2011

I have an overwhelming desire to go “off the grid.” To leave the life of corporate America and make my living off freelance things until I (god-willing) make it as a full-time writer. It’s a desire I’ve been toying with for oohhh six plus years. And yet for the past six plus years I have moved from job to job without so much as a …

Ten years ago today

admin - September 11, 2011

Ten years ago today was the third day of my very first year of college – quite literally the third day of what I then thought was my adult life. I remember the haircut of the woman in the elevator of Devlin Hall who said the words, “terrorist attack on New York City,” – that’s how specific that time still is in my mind. It …

What $5 bills taught me about relationships

admin - September 9, 2011

I currently have $555 in rolled-up five dollar bills jammed into a Pat O’Brien’s hurricane glass that sits on my bed stand. Please don’t rob me. How and why they got there is a fairly simple story. Sometime around month two of dating I proposed the idea of saving $5 bills to R. It’s an idea that my friend Michael once told me his friend …

The Great Love-Puppy Debate

admin - September 7, 2011

I am as mortified that I’ve never heard the term “Love-Puppy” in my four years of relationship-blogging as I am grateful to Sarah for bringing me up to speed. For those of you even more in the dark than I – a love-puppy is the dog you get with your significant other when you’re feeling pretty confident that things are going to work out long-term. …

L.A. Exactly One Year In: Oh the things you will learn to love

admin - September 5, 2011

This is coincidentally my 365th day of living in Los Angeles and 600th 20-Nothings post, so I guess it better be good. One year ago today I arrived in L.A. on a Virgin America flight during which I drank two mini bottles of champagne, cried my eyes out to SEX & THE CITY 2, and wrote this blog post. Today I am sitting in the …