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Why you and your boyfriend work at the same place, even if you and your boyfriend don’t work at the same place

admin - August 11, 2011

I’m bumped into my roommate Mike last weekend on his way back from a run. “Oh…hey…you’re…here,” he said through gasps of air, “Good. I have a blog post idea.” (Implied inside that statement was a how are you?? Great to see you?? How’ve you been??) “The idea is that when you’re in a relationship you work together by default – even though you don’t work …

My annual birthday blog post

admin - August 7, 2011

Do you only technically turn a year older at midnight in the time-zone where you where born? So, if you’re born in London but live in New York should you officially celebrate your birthday at 7pm the day before your date of birth? The thought only occurred to me today. Today, for the first time in my now 28 years I opened my eyes in …

“The calm” – a piece of stolen relationship terminology

admin - August 4, 2011

I’ve found that a very strange thing now happens when people ask me about my relationship with R. I have nothing to say. “It’s great,” I told my sister Dani over gchat. “We’re really good,” I said to Katie via text. “I’m good, he’s good, it’s… “Good?,” my friend Annie parroted back over brunch this past Saturday. “Right,” I said. “I feel so lame saying …

The Checking-Out Series: Being forced into a wrong corner by today’s economy

admin - August 1, 2011

Below is the latest in my series from guest-writers looking to purge their “I checked-out” stories for the betterment of us all. Today’s story comes to us from MLB and contains an interesting look into the state of the education system.. Enjoy, and please send your own tales my way – [email protected]. Although I haven’t “checked out” from my unhappy status-quo, for the past six …

Reclaiming the word “slut”?

admin - July 27, 2011

A recent NY Times article about the state of the word “slut” caught my eye, naturally. “The Taming of the Slur” was penned by Times staffer Stephanie Rosenbloom who covers American social trends for The Gray Lady. Her piece examines how the nature of the “slur” has changed over the years as teens claim it for their own use and meaning. Writes Rosenbloom:“Slut’’ is tossed …

L.A. Almost 11 months in: The sub 10 minute agenting

admin - July 25, 2011

This weekend I experienced my first Comicon. For those unfamiliar, Comicon is intended to be a massive festival of the popular arts (specifically comic books) and all the forms of media that they inspire (TV, film, digital). In reality Comicon is a marketing platform for the major networks and studios and a party for anyone in Los Angeles who could come up with an excuse …

Are there people who turn a blind eye to hot cheaters??

admin - July 21, 2011

This time the back story is short but not particularly sweet: I heard a story through the grapevine about a guy who, upon finding out that his girlfriend cheated on him, essentially shrugged it off. I know very few details, so I’ll leave it at that. In reaction to hearing this story I said something like, “OMG That Is Ridiculous Why Would He Let Her …

Are today’s movies inundated with strong, female characters? And if so, was Natalie Portman’s character in No Strings Attached one of them?

admin - July 19, 2011

Last week (or so…) there was an article in The New York Times magazine about the “plague of strong female characters.” “Tough, Cold, Terse, Taciturn and Prone to Not Saying Goodbye When They Hang Up the Phone,” was the title. In it the author specifically references the character Natalie Portman plays in the recent romantic comedy “No Strings Attached”. The movie is about a girl …

Why one 20-something up and quit his job, and why he’s glad he did

admin - July 15, 2011

Below is an essay that I asked one of my favorite guy friends to write upon hearing that he up and quit his job two weeks ago. Some context: this friend is a hard-working go-getter who has worked non-stop since we graduated from college. He is self-made (read: sans trust fund) and knows the importance of paying one’s dues (read: not an entitled jerk). But …

What major life status issue stresses you out the most?

admin - July 13, 2011

Every six months or so I decide that I need to be saving way more money than I’m currently saving, and so I go on a fear-fueled Google binge of every Roth IRA and high yield savings account available until I ultimately decide that I can’t really afford to save much more money and just re-sign up for Keep the Change from Bank of America …