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Is college a waste of time? This guy thinks so.

admin - June 9, 2011

So this kid thinks college is a waste of time. Not like, so make the most of it by packing your schedule with internships. He actually thinks you shouldn’t go at all. Read his thoughts here via CNN.com. Tomorrow I’ll share mine, but feel free to throw yours in comments now.

Is it better to kiss a lot of frogs, or not?

admin - June 8, 2011

I approached post-grad dating much like I approach shoe purchasing. I dated a bunch of guys who seemed cute at the time without really trying them on only to end up with a closet full of one-outfit wonders and callouses that could rival the Black Swan set. For me it was more about the moment than the long-term goal. It was, if the shoe is …

Why I decided not to write last week

admin - June 6, 2011

As you may have noticed, I didn’t write any blog posts last week – not a’ one – not even a round up of stuff from the Internet, which is my standard move when I don’t have time for real thought. There are a number of reasons for this: I’m currently producing a daily web series at work that shoots every night. Since I’m still …

The bad mood relationship litmus test.

admin - May 27, 2011

If you’re anything like me you can’t be within five feet of a unpeeled banana, are furious that you’re not yet best friends with Heidi Klum, and are particularly prickly about how you’re treated when you’re in a particularly prickly mood. Luckily most people in my life are up to speed on the banana situation, I now live in L.A. and I’m not usually prone …

Graduating for the third time

admin - May 25, 2011

–> I may or may not have mentioned that two of my younger sisters followed in my footsteps by attending the Boston College. This is very wonderful because we share a the very unique experience of knowing what it is to spend four years on “The Heights” learning to be “women and men for others” educated to “set the world aflame” (read: we have the …

Doesn’t it take two to have a love child?

admin - May 18, 2011

Something about this whole Arnold Schwarzenegger as baby-daddy ordeal struck me as strange. No, it wasn’t the fact that Arnold hid a love child from his wife of 25 years nor was it that the love child was the product of an affair with a member of his house staff. Sadly, I didn’t find all of that particularly shocking. What was strange in my admittedly …

How can you possibly take it slower than not officially dating?

admin - May 16, 2011

Allow me to paint a picture for you and then explain why I think that picture is absolutely ridiculous. A guy and a girl meet, determine that they enjoy each other and begin “dating.” I say “dating” instead of dating because one or both parties might not consider it dating. There are people who don’t consider the act of joining each other in multiple, consecutive …

What exactly is the allure of the older man?

admin - May 11, 2011

This topic comes courtesy of an e-mail from reader Caitlin in an unknown city and state. Caitlin writes: “What is it with the allure of an older man? Is it the idea we younger girls have that older somehow means wise? (Even when the Red Flags are flyin’ high and all signs indicate that age does not equal wisdom). What’s the deal?”Truth be told, Caitlin, …

Why IRL (in real life) is becoming a ubiquitous at OMG, and what that means for relationships

admin - May 4, 2011

Once a year the New York Times’ Modern Love column runs a contest for college students to submit their essays about love, intimacy and relationships. For the past several years the winning submissions have had something to do with “hook up culture.” Students trying to find intimacy where there generally is not or trying to defend the fact that they’re not looking for it. This …