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How To Impress Your Parents, LA style

admin - July 3, 2012

My parents are coming to LA for a visit this week. During their time here I will attempt to convince them of the following: That I can feed myself inside my house without the aid of a restaurant delivery man. That Los Angeles is a very safe place, superior in many ways to all other places I have lived, not including – of course – …

An Open Letter to Nora Ephron

admin - June 27, 2012

Dear Nora, I found myself with tears streaming down my face at the news of your passing. I was sitting in my wide-open cubicle at work when I read the news on Facebook. Not the most convenient place to be unreasonably crying one’s eyes out, but I decided that if you’d scripted my discovery of the news of your death, you’d have me crying at …

If you had a daughter, would you want her to date your boyfriend?

admin - June 19, 2012

In the past three weeks I’ve had more than a few conversations with women currently dating difficult men (note: I’m trying to use “women” and “men” vs. “girls” and “guys” because most of the people I refer to are almost 30…). They don’t text back. They don’t keep plans. They treat them differently in private than they do in public. It’s the typical list of …

My Sister Did Finish 50 Shades of Grey, and wrote this hysterical review

admin - June 14, 2012

–> There are many benefits to having sisters – triple the wardrobe (in my case because I have three, yes, three sisters), built-in bridesmaids, and, in the case of today’s post, someone to finish 50 Shades of Grey for you, and write a hysterical review.  Below, because I stubbornly swore I wouldn’t finish it, is my sister Dani’s review. Don’t judge her for making it …

Why I Stopped Reading 50 Shades of Grey

admin - June 12, 2012

I almost bought 50 Shades of Grey – the book nine out of ten women sitting inside any given subway car are currently reading – five times before I actually bought it. Everyone was talking about it (still are). Everyone was reading it (still are), and I don’t like to miss out on things everyone is doing (which is why I’m now rocking subtle ombre …

I Learned How to Play the Guitar, and So Can You

admin - June 7, 2012

75% of that title is 100% true. I learned how to play several notes on the guitar, and you can absolutely learn those same notes too. But this isn’t a post about how my ring finger is way too small to master a G chord or how I now hate John Mayer slightly less because playing the guitar is way harder than I thought. This …