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My Dave Matthews Band Concert-going Experience: 10 Years Later

admin - September 13, 2012

Last night I went to see Dave Matthews Band at The Hollywood Bowl because Dave Matthews is an outstanding musician with an incredible catalog of songs, despite what all you eye-rolling hipsters think. I guarantee you all listened to him ten years ago just like I did. I was curious about what the experience would be like almost 12 years after my last DMB concert-going …

Celebrate Good Times (and bad times, and random times), Come On!

admin - September 11, 2012

If you know me, then you know that I am incredibly indulgent. I treat myself to a dirty martini every single time something good happens with my writing career and a cheap dress every time I feel like I’ve been eating healthy enough to enjoy the process of trying on a new, cheap dress. I love a party, and so I like to simulate that …

My Podcast about Romance and My Article about Money in LA vs. NY

admin - September 6, 2012

 I don’t invoke a Newsies intro image for any old day. Two big things have happened/are happening that I think you will enjoy. 1. JUST THE TIP PODCAST, featuring the voices of R and me!  Erin La Rosa and Marcos Luevanos of “JUST THE TIP” Our friends Erin La Rosa and Marcos Luevanos has a new, fun podcast called Just The Tip in which they …

Thoughts on LA at my 2-Year LA Anniversary.

admin - September 4, 2012

As of this past weekend, I have lived in Los Angeles for two years; two whole years ago I wrote this love letter to New York City from my one-way Virgin America flight to LAX. I both cannot believe it’s been that long, and cannot believe how quickly the time has flown. I also still cannot believe I actually went through with it. A week …


admin - August 22, 2012

The awesome outpouring of love and support after my post yesterday was encouraging, inspiring and touching. Thank you all. I won’t let either of us down. For now it’s one foot in front of the next, and mornings spent doing something strikingly similar to the below. My name is also Jessica, and I have those same pajamas. The only real different is the size of …

Why I haven’t written recently, and what it’s made me realize

admin - August 21, 2012

I haven’t posted here in over a week and a half, and I’m mad about it. I’m mad, and I’m disappointed,  and I’m stressed. I’m mad because I made a personal commitment to writing twice a week, and I haven’t followed through lately. I’m disappointed because I know that as a writer/blogger you’re nothing without your audience, and you lose that audience the minute you …

Today Is My 29th Birthday, and I Feel…

admin - August 7, 2012

…Great about it. I’ve been dreading this post – the one I’ve written every August 7th for the past five years – because I felt I hadn’t come to any conclusions about my own 2-9 mark. I didn’t feel particularly anxious or particularly calm. I didn’t have very many regrets about my 20s, and I know that those I do have are just a product …

My Secret, Special Birthday Shopping Routine

admin - August 2, 2012

Today I will do what is, perhaps, the most ridiculous ceremonial thing out of all the ridiculous ceremonial things I do (treat myself to a fancy hotel dirty martini every time I finish a script being a close second on the list). I will go to the Bank of America and take out $40 from the ATM. I will have the bank teller break that …

How did you, would you, will you feel at 29.5?

admin - July 26, 2012

I have aging on the brain. Since my post about turning 29, I’ve been thinking even more about turning 30. It’s happening to people everywhere I turn! Just last weekend I attended a spectacular bash to ring in a friend’s crossing to the old side. There was a photo booth, obviously intended to capture images of us looking the best we’ll ever look. Not that …

Are you too brave, are you too safe…or are you too smart?

admin - July 19, 2012

I realized on my recent flight from New York back to L.A. that every time I fly to or from New York or L.A. I have a mini freak out. I start to think about my life, generally. Then I think about how that life is tracking against my goals, specifically. And then I emotionally vomit on R for an hour or so about what …