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Attending a wedding is a lot like going to Cirque du Soleil

admin - July 12, 2012

–> I wrote the below post after attending one of my very first post-grad weddings. This was approximately four years ago. When I sat down to re-write the post from my much older, wiser life position I realized that I feel the EXACT same way. That said, I’ve added a few notes in bullet points below where issues and items have adjusted now that I’m …

In one month I will be 29.

admin - July 10, 2012

I don’t usually write about my birthdays until my actual day of birth, but this year I’ve been thinking about the whole ordeal much more than at previous turns. I will be 29 on August 7th. That’s one month from last Saturday. I cannot remember if my little girl self had thoughts about what I’d be doing as a 29-year-old. I remember thinking I’d be …

How To Impress Your Parents, LA style

admin - July 3, 2012

My parents are coming to LA for a visit this week. During their time here I will attempt to convince them of the following: That I can feed myself inside my house without the aid of a restaurant delivery man. That Los Angeles is a very safe place, superior in many ways to all other places I have lived, not including – of course – …

An Open Letter to Nora Ephron

admin - June 27, 2012

Dear Nora, I found myself with tears streaming down my face at the news of your passing. I was sitting in my wide-open cubicle at work when I read the news on Facebook. Not the most convenient place to be unreasonably crying one’s eyes out, but I decided that if you’d scripted my discovery of the news of your death, you’d have me crying at …

Why I Stopped Reading 50 Shades of Grey

admin - June 12, 2012

I almost bought 50 Shades of Grey – the book nine out of ten women sitting inside any given subway car are currently reading – five times before I actually bought it. Everyone was talking about it (still are). Everyone was reading it (still are), and I don’t like to miss out on things everyone is doing (which is why I’m now rocking subtle ombre …

I Learned How to Play the Guitar, and So Can You

admin - June 7, 2012

75% of that title is 100% true. I learned how to play several notes on the guitar, and you can absolutely learn those same notes too. But this isn’t a post about how my ring finger is way too small to master a G chord or how I now hate John Mayer slightly less because playing the guitar is way harder than I thought. This …

The Live-in Boyfriend to Personal Finances Connection

admin - June 5, 2012

I’ve been doing a little side writing for this fantastic personal finance site called LearnVest.com. For those of you familiar with my math skills and history of personal finance, stop laughing. My most recent piece was a really tricky one to write. As a fiercely independent female, I felt weird admitting to all the ways being in a relationship – and more specifically, moving in …

What Would Claire Huxtable Do

admin - May 31, 2012

If you’re either a long-time reader of this blog or one of the dozen female friends who suffered with me through my early 20’s, you know that I do not have an abundance of experience with relationships.  I have dated, some people for more than one month even, but until R, I did not reach the coupling milestones many people achieved by the time they …