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The New Year – or so they say

January 3, 2008

How job interviews are like meeting girls at the bar, and other thoughts on seeking a new job

January 3, 2008

The 12 and the 3, but mostly the 3.

January 3, 2008

To pick up where we left off:

The books is the 12 and the hooking up is the 3. I’ll explain since this is a blog.

It is very, very hard to read any more than 10 pages of a book without falling asleep after a long day of work. Also, many books are very boring. Still, I’m very committed because reading is extremely important to maintaining a sharp and learned mind.

The hooking up with people I won’t immediately regret – piece of cake. For starters – I have a twin bed. This makes me self-conscious and thus I find myself drunk mentioning it prior to inviting someone to hook up in it. They sometimes pass. Secondly, this is Manhattan, not Boston College. Criminals, STDs, and Notre Dame alumni exist in abundance. Very risky. But most importantly and very frankly, I have never had a drunk hook up result in anything good or productive. Ever. And, brace yourself for this next part, I’ve never really had a drunk hook up that I would call “worth it.”

I’m no Actuary and I rarely gamble anymore, but I’m going to call those facts clear odds against the potential success of a drunken, random hook up. I think there are clever financial terms we could apply to this situation, but I don’t know them (Gallotta?). Instead I’ll say, this isn’t working – time to try something else. I stop hooking up and see how that goes instead. You likely have some questions:

How am I measuring success? We end up boyfriend and girlfriend.
Why can’t I just enjoy the drunk hook up for the fun of it? It’s not really that fun. It’s usually sloppy and confusing and doesn’t feel particularly amazing.
So is a boyfriend really my goal at this point? Yes. Don’t judge me. I hear they’re really quite wonderful.
But do I want to date someone who takes people home on the first non date? Gasp. No.
Okay but do I think there could be the chance that I really form a connection with someone, get a little drunk, decide it’s worth the hook up, do it, and find that we still like each other in the morning and want to take it further? Yes, but that belief hasn’t served me well in, oh, the past 6 years, so I’m going to call it questionable. Also, it’s worth mentioning that after hooking up with someone who then shows signs of still being interested I become consumed with the belief that it’s all about the hooking up for him and proceed to sabotage the relationship in one of many stealth but effective manners. For this I blame evolution and a guy I “dated” last year.

That’s the bottom line. Feel free to join me in ’08. Maybe we’ll start a revolution. We can call it the 1950s.

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