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“The” One or “A” One

July 28, 2008

Raunchy questions, profound answers

July 28, 2008

My stab at a/the “one”

July 28, 2008
I would be an asshole to criticize without a counter point, and I try never to be an asshole.

Today, my go at that Men’s Health article, re-titled for better clarity/ reality.

You Should Try Not to Fuck it Up with Her If…
Written from the perspective of a single, 20-something girl
(Hypocrite and asshole are two very different things).

You can leave her alone at a party filled with people she doesn’t know and she’ll have friends when you come back.

  • It’s not just that you don’t want someone hanging all over you. It’s that you want someone who is socially comfortable, adaptable to new situations, and has a personality that lends to making friends easily. This will also make you look very good.
She quickly learns all your friend’s names and nicknames, but knows when to use the names and when to use the nicknames.
  • Druckman is Druckman to everyone, but using the name Jamal in reference to Pete should be cleared by the boys of Alpha Theta Ward. Read: cares enough to know, but knows enough to understand your territory and hers. Fine line, but one that, when crossed, will rub the entire friend group the wrong way.
She makes it through each day without uttering one of the following, to you: Ugh I feel so fat today. Oh my god these jeans are sooo tight on me. I want to wear that dress but it makes me look pregnant.
  • Self-deprecation should be reserved for poignant, well-timed humor and, when themed around how a girl feels about her body, her girlfriends. We all have fat days and ugly days – only the strongest among us don’t whine about them to elicit response compliments. You’re not after a girl who never has a bad body day. You’re after a girl who doesn’t constantly put you in the very awkward position of having to say, “aww, you don’t look fat today, or any day, ever.”

She knows that at the bar for your buddy’s birthday or when the guys over are watching football is not the time to pick a fight, no matter how seemingly important it is at the moment.
  • This one’s two-fold. Shows she can respect you and the situation (you’re celebrating for a friend — all your friends are in your living room) – and has advanced enough fighting skills to know that no good can come from addressing it in that moment. She can be forgiven if she is excessively drunk – we’ve all been there. But pouting in a corner does not count as “not bringing it up”.

She calls, leaves a message and then waits until you call her back.
  • In more specific words, she does not stalker call you until you pick up. Sure if she doesn’t hear from you for hours and hours she can give it another attempt, but if you’re not available at 10:00 you’re probably still not available at 10:01. Also when you say, “I have to go right now,” she understands it means you’ll still be doing whatever made you have to go five minutes later. This needs no further explanation.

She doesn’t have an entire set of friends that she secretly hates.
  • Girls are notorious for bad-mouthing friends behind their backs. But there’s a difference between sometimes judgmental and always two-faced. Watch out for those. They might secretly hate you too.

She can make a decision without calling home.
  • Obviously within reason. Should I go to Law School? probably necessitates and chat with Mom and Dad. But, whether or not to get a haircut this Saturday could likely be handled independently.

This conversation never happens: You: Last night was great.
Her: Pffft. Glad it was good for one of us (rolls eyes, returns to Us Weekly)
  • Passive aggressiveness and sex go together like Britney and her kids. She should be able to address it when it’s happening and talk about it if there’s a problem without an insulting, non-direct tone.

She loves Tina Turner.
  • Tina Turner is a very sexy woman. She is also an excellent dancer with a healthy body and strong, optimistic outlook on life. A girl who loves Tina Turner is surely great in bed, takes care of her body, is driven to succeed, and can dance. Frankly, you can disregard the rest of the list. This says it all.

I’m not sure this hypothetical “one” I’m hawking even exists. Also I left out things like, “has a legitimate savings account” and “knows the name of her congressman” for personal reasons.
In the end I don’t know if it’s what men do want or should want – but if it’s still not quite “Is She The One” it’s at least a very accurate “Can She Be My Good Friend”


  1. So, what you’re saying is that if I was dating a girl who did all that and broke up with her, I blew it? Crap.

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