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Fall for the wrong guys? Don’t worry, it’s because of birth control

September 2, 2008

It all started with Sunday Night Sex Talks

September 2, 2008

Sexism: Guys v. Girls on Marriage Thoughts

September 2, 2008

It’s no mystery that girls think about marriage more – and earlier – than guys. My first job out of college was working for the online weddings resource, TheKnot.com. Our most prized stat was the fact that upon first discovering the site, women spent an average of 3 hours there — only 1/3 of them were actually engaged.

One would venture to guess that less than a third of all marriage-aged guys even know that TheKnot.com exists.

Old series, new topic: Sexism – on thoughts on marriage

Warning: what you are about to read may induce anger, shame, and denial – if you are a girl.

For girls, it usually goes like this:

Someone says someone is a great guy and that we would totally get along with him. We immediately consult The Book and find that he went to VTech. Aaaannnnddd we’re off!

Right. ACC school, we think (see, we went to Boston College), that could be good. We could throw awesome game watches at our place with our collective ACC friends. 8-10 people ideally. And with that 8 layer bean dip Mom used to make. Excellent. And then when BC plays VTech we’d make a trip to wherever the game is and have a college friends reunion. Of course the tailgate we own will be at BC. Hhmm, yes, that would be very nice.

Yes, it’s that bad. And it works just as freakishly the other way.

We meet a guy we click with at a bar. “I’m from Central Jersey, you?” we say. “Oh, you’re close to home, nice. I’m actually from Iowa,” he says. First thought. Ugh that’s far to fly for the holidays. Boom!

It’s essentially a word association game except all the associations have to do with how well this life fits our life.

I’m an only child — No obligatory bridesmaids.

I’d say Football is my favorite sport — There go Sundays.

I’m really close to my mother — Fuck.

The devil loves the details.

What’s weird is that we (“we” representing those whose minds work this way – I assess it around 75% of the female population) don’t necessarily want to marry these guys. So there’s no need to panic slash break up with whomever you’re seeing. We do this to everyone. And, ultimately, these insta-assessments aren’t making or breaking the deal. It’s just what we do. Yes, more so if we really like you, but it’s nothing to freak out over. It’s innate and we’re not stopping. Trust us, if we could stop, we would.
For guys I assume it sets in a little bit later
(read: not prior to actually meeting the person):

When VTech finds out we went to BC maybe he goes, “cool, good football school, maybe she’ll like watching football,” but it’s doubtful he takes it as far as, “shit, we probably can’t afford two tailgates so we’re going to have to pick one, and I’ll be damned if I’m spending every Saturday with those fucking Flutie freaks.” Guys don’t alliterate.

From what I understand, guys drop girls into buckets fairly easily. So “could marry her” is just a massive extension of “could date her” (something a guy can figure out pretty easily) that he’ll deal with sometime around 30 slash when she makes him.

So naturally for guys details like where her hometown is and how much tailgate spots at her alma mater go for aren’t really in context yet slash ever.

“But really when is it? Fourth date? 2 months? After they’ve slept with her?” I pressed one male member of The Board.

“I don’t know. I depends on what comes up I guess,” he said.

“But everything is coming up all the time!” I said, “You’re getting to know the person. It’s a constant barrage of details and clues.”

“Hhmm. No. It’s just hanging out and getting to know someone. But I feel like I could maybe start to look at a girl seriously, like in a marriage light, if I maybe felt like I could be upset and possibly cry in front of her.”

“What?! I mean that’s precious but how are you supposed to figure that out?”

“Just a feeling I guess. And would definitely take a lot of time.”

There you have it. A non-answer answer, but arguably a way better response than that of the girl camp.


Results from this investigation lead me to believe that thoughts/plans/assessments around marriage, should be filed in the same category as opinions of each other’s friends (and who they’re dating). Things Best Left Undiscussed and Never Confessed Unless Someone is About to Get Hurt (slash married).

Proceed as necessary.


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