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Hi, can I have five thousand dollars?

February 11, 2010

You want to know what I think about Valentine’s Day?

February 11, 2010

It’s Olympics time again…and you remember what that means…

February 11, 2010
Two (gulp) years ago I shared a theory about what the Olympics can do for our “love” lives. I can’t report exact numbers, but I’m going to go ahead and say the 2008 Summer Olympics results in no fewer than a shit ton of unexpected make-outs, hook-ups, and sleep-overs.
How?! Why?! Where?! For me too?! you ask…
Read on and get your of-course-I’ve-been-following-women’s-downhill-all-season face ready. These are America’s games (in Canada…but same difference), and as Americans, we deserve to win them in every metaphoric way possible.

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