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Marie Claire says there are 12 Types of Women. I take a deep breath and say….

October 5, 2010

The Top 10 Things _____________s Like About Their ________friends

October 5, 2010

The “Are you that girl” quiz

October 5, 2010

This is one of those I-wish-I-thought-of-that moments. LADY GUNN is a “cool magazine based in New York and LA” (from their website, but that’s really the best way to describe it). They feature fashiony, pop-cultury, music-reviewy things in their pages and on their website.

In addition to – apparently – the funniest female-focused lifestyle quiz I’ve ever seen, and I mean un-ironically funny (because one time I saw a quiz title, “Is Your Baby Really Your Baby or Just a Big Baby” and that obviously wins).


“An essential quiz to test your level of crazy”

As the mag puts it, “We’ve all heard about them – those tragic girls who give us sane women a bad name. The stalkers, the baby-talkers, the divas… good thing we’re not one of them. But it seems like every guy we know has dated a few of these maniacs. Which means either all these chicks are living on an island that only men can access or… we ARE those girls – at least every once in a while. Gasp! So how can you tell if you’ve crossed over into Territory Bonkers?”

What follows are seven simple questions in the form of real-world hypotheticals – what-would-you-do’s? of the dating and relationship world. Things like: You’re getting ready to go to a party with your boyfriend. It’s been a long, stressful week and you could really use a compliment. Even just a little one. When he takes a look at you in your fabulous new outfit and simply asks if you’re ready to leave, do you…. – and then there are four hysterical multiple choice options.

Here’s what I love most about this quiz. You can’t take it and not feel a liiiitttllleee bit like “that girl.” I read the questions, I answered honestly, I came out “not crazy” – but that’s just because I have a lot of self control over my freak flag. With every single question there was a multiple choice answer in the “that girl” category that I have thought of doing, wanted to do, almost done, or actually done but figured out a way to undo before it was too late.

Moral of the story: we’re all that girl from time to time – it’s just about quieting that inner crazy as much as possible so that we don’t drive the entire male (and female because there is nothing more annoying than dealing with a “that girl” friend) away.

Unless, of course, I’m right about my theory that most guys actually like crazy girls

*photo from Lady Gunn


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