R and I spent this past weekend in Portland (OR not ME) at the Bridgetown Comedy Festival because R works in the TV world on the comedy side, and I work the angle on free hotel rooms in cities known for their walk-ability. Technically speaking we’re still here on account of mechanical issues grounding our flight from PDX to LAX, which I’d generally be livid about, but we’re sitting at an above average airport restaurant next to Fred Armisen and Abby Elliot, so I’m letting it go.
On our second night in town we went to see some stand-ups – among them the very funny Jon Roy.
Roy was telling some joke about the fact that he’s currently dating a woman who is much younger than he. “But see, the thing is,” he said (and then I paraphrased here…), “I’m financially 25, so no one my actual age wants to date me.”
Blog posts can come from the most unexpected places.
The idea of being financially any age struck me. What Roy was saying is that he currently makes the same amount of money that most 25-year-old should/do and that on account of that “salary” he’s only capable of leading a lifestyle that a such-staged person can live (note: in fairness what Roy was really saying was a joke not intended for over-analytical blog fodder).
I get it, and I agree with it, except for the fact that I had friends who were making more money at 25 than my mother makes as an administrator in a K through 12 school district today. Did they behave like a 50-something woman and date people around that same age? No. But did they live in a manner way different than my 40K 25-year-old self, yes.
That means the real crux of what Roy was saying has a lot to do with what I wrote about a few weeks ago – the issue of whether or not you can date outside your professional progress zone and last.
Professional progress is almost undoubtedly tied to financial progress. And what comes as the by product of both those things is the ability to live a life we all equate with “being an adult.”
Jon Roy’s joke is that he can’t manage the expenses of a life beyond that which a 25-year-old can afford. I’m guessing here but it’s likely: can’t afford to buy property, can’t afford lavish vacations, has to live in a neighborhood on the fringe of the more expensive neighborhoods, probably shouldn’t have a kid. In a phrase: financially 25.
So then I guess the saying should go, “age – it’s just a dollar sign.” Though, tell that to a bank-rolled 23-year-old living in the apartment she bought with the interest off her trust fund.
In my case – I like to think of myself as financially 21 because that’s the age-mentality of the way I purchase clothes. Read: predominantly at Forever 21.
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Definitely an interesting topic. I think this becomes frustrating though when people in your peer group are MAKING the same amount of money, and yet some are living frugally and realistically whereas others are somehow travelling the world and living like rockstars. I work in entertainment, and so I have a pretty good estimate of what people who are coordinators or managers make that work in the industry. It’s therefore frustrating when I look on Facebook and see these people who I know can’t be making a boatload jetting off to Europe or whatever. Point being, especially for us twenty-somethings, there is still a big class gap between those who are able to raid the family pocket book, versus those who are trying to live off small slightly-above-entry-level salaries. Very few people I know (particularly here in LA) are actually making a ton of money. But some are definitely living like they do.
Very interesting topic! So true for our age group too. SUCH a range. I used to work in accounting so all my friends from that part of my life make a ton — jet-setting around the world, lavish vacations, buying houses, cars, etc, etc. I have my friends in my industry (media/publishing) — and we’re all living in boxes and fighting over stuff on clearance.
Its so frustrating though because emotionally and with regards to perspective on relationships, I am above my age, but finding someone mature enough to recognize and handle that, and who doesnt mind that I live like a college student still… ITS FRUSTRATING!
We live in such a class system.
And Im DYING to go to Portland, Ore. So jealous… as soon as I get a raise I guess. ha
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