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Is it better to kiss a lot of frogs, or not?

June 9, 2011

Whether or not college is a waste of time: my take

June 9, 2011

Is college a waste of time? This guy thinks so.

June 9, 2011

So this kid thinks college is a waste of time. Not like, so make the most of it by packing your schedule with internships. He actually thinks you shouldn’t go at all.

Read his thoughts here via CNN.com. Tomorrow I’ll share mine, but feel free to throw yours in comments now.


  1. i’m not entirely sure he’s wrong; i don’t think college is for everyone. still though, college is for some people and encouraging people who see and make the most of the inherent values of a formal education to drop out is both illogical and irresponsible. just as everyone is not made for college, not everyone is made for entrepreneurship. college should be (although it doesn’t seem like it) one option of several. trade school should be another. etc.

  2. College is not right for everyone – but as a professional who works as a consultant for several Fortune 500 companies, you do not stand a CHANCE without a college degree. And if you want to be a savvy business owner or ever draft a business plan to get a loan or attract investors – it helps to have some concentrated education on marketing, business models, finance, and accounting.

    Aside from all that, College was a critical time of personal growth for me. I learned who I was outside of being a daughter, sister, high school homecoming queen, etc. I think it is imperative for all people to have to opportunity to learn and grow outside of their comfort zone during those years.

  3. Let’s also be honest about one other thing – this kid is clearly really smart. Not everyone can just drop out of school and get a $100,000 grant. Not all of us can be Mark Zuckerberg. Not everyone can just “pick up” how to run a business or develop new services/products based on instinct. And not all of us were ready to start our careers at age 19…

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