Hi! You’ve reached my (beloved) former blog. Come find me & my current work at JessieRosen.com

The bad mood relationship litmus test.

June 6, 2011

Is it better to kiss a lot of frogs, or not?

June 6, 2011

Why I decided not to write last week

June 6, 2011

As you may have noticed, I didn’t write any blog posts last week – not a’ one – not even a round up of stuff from the Internet, which is my standard move when I don’t have time for real thought.

There are a number of reasons for this:

  1. I’m currently producing a daily web series at work that shoots every night. Since I’m still responsible for my day-to-day job, my new work hours are 9:30am to 9:30pm
  2. I decided last Thursday to apply to a writer’s program that required a spec script and personal essay due last Wednesday (word to the wise: don’t do this, or if you do, don’t ask your boyfriend to edit it).
  3. I need to eat meals.
  4. I am in a relationship that I enjoy.
  5. I come very close to hitting other cars if I don’t get at least 6 hours of sleep per night.

But those are all excuses. I could have slept less, not eaten, ignored R, written faster, and half-assed my job to make more time for writing. There is always a way to get more things done – especially blog posts. I know this because prior to this week I’ve always decided to get more things done at the expense of – well – myself.

The real reason I didn’t post any blog posts last week is because I decided not to. I decided the “perfect” record of twice to thrice-weekly blog posts wasn’t worth it. “It” being my job, health, sanity, and/or relationship.

Every once in awhile I see myself becoming one of those people more married to their work than their life. I am dangerously ambitious and even more dangerously obsessed with perfection. And 8 + months ago I moved to a place that rewards hustle sometimes even more than it rewards talent.

Interestingly enough the reason I didn’t move to this place until 8 + months ago is because I was afraid of what a person like me could become in a world like this. Dramatic? Yes. But true? Double yes.

The minute I moved here I realized I was going to have to do a bit of “saving myself from myself” – that difficult process of preventing the instincts of your immediate self from sabotaging the needs of your long-term self. Blowing off your loving boyfriend so you can become a famous writer faster. Rooting your friendships in need and convenience versus connection and loyalty. Eating like shit and not sleeping enough to maximize your daily working hours. It’s the 20-something, go-getter way. Go, go, go now. You’ll sleep when you’re successful slash dead.

The closer to “grown up” I get the more I realize that while most of that is rooted in your “nature” – some people, me included, are just built to behave this way – it can become equal parts habit – we allow our nature to win out over our sense.

I decided it would be wise to start reversing my habit of putting my writing (this blog specifically) before everything else in my life. Because a. this is just a little blog that I write for free (so far!) but b. I think 27 is a good age to start developing some standards about work/life balance to stick by.

Oh, you hadn’t noticed that I didn’t post any new posts last week?

Never mind then.


  1. interesting post. i’ve grappled with a similar issue as of lately. i haven’t been writing daily like i use to b/c a.) i’m in a new relationship that i care to pay attention to b.) my job is exhausting c.) trying to figure out what my writing goals are. nonetheless your blog is one of my all-time faves and i’d be sad to see you post less and less. however, i have no doubt that i will see something more than a blog written by you in the near future!

  2. Hi, Jessie. New reader here. Just wanted to say I totally feel ya on the struggles with a work-life balance (or lack of) thing. I, too, am a perfectionist workaholic, which, let’s face it, can really pay off sometimes…but can also totally backfire.

    Sometimes, clearing something off your plate for a while (ahem, blogging) can do wonders!

  3. No problem, hon! You gotta take of yourself! And I’d much rather read one interesting post than 5 lame ones. Quality over quantity!

  4. Quality over quantity. 🙂 You have a wonderful blog and aren’t going to lose any faithful readers because you missed a week. It just makes the next post that much more interesting/exciting to read!

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