Hi! You’ve reached my (beloved) former blog. Come find me & my current work at JessieRosen.com

Thoughts on LA at my 2-Year LA Anniversary.

September 6, 2012

Celebrate Good Times (and bad times, and random times), Come On!

September 6, 2012

My Podcast about Romance and My Article about Money in LA vs. NY

September 6, 2012

 I don’t invoke a Newsies intro image for any old day. Two big things have happened/are happening that I think you will enjoy.

1. JUST THE TIP PODCAST, featuring the voices of R and me! 

Erin La Rosa and Marcos Luevanos of “JUST THE TIP”

Our friends Erin La Rosa and Marcos Luevanos has a new, fun podcast called Just The Tip in which they discuss relationships, romance, sex and the like. R and I stopped by their cocktail-filled set for a session on Modern Romance, from our perspectives. Mostly it’s just me talking about the fact that I have too many clothes to share a closet and R agreeing.

Here’s the link to give the podcast a listen! We come on at 10:45, and I miraculously only regret one thing I said! Guess which one!

2.  LEARNVEST ARTICLE on NY vs. LA: Money-wise

In honor of my two year L.Anniversary (sorry, had to), I wrote a little piece for the fine folks over at LearnVest about the financial differences between a NY and LA life.

Categories I considered include housing, transportation, food & drink, and clothing. Spoiler alert: it’s not looking good for either city…

Back with a thoughtful post on how to celebrate the most random things in your life (like, say, Thursdays), tomorrow! For now, hope you enjoy. 



  1. Jessie, I just absolutely died of giddiness listening to your podcast. I feel like I know you so well after reading your blog for the last few years, and it’s so great to hear you and R so happy!

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