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How To Explain Yourself To Yourself

August 29, 2013

A Truly Uplifting Essay on Depression

August 29, 2013

A Note and a Webseries on Therapy

August 29, 2013

I can’t believe I’ve gone 6+ years without ever bringing up the topic of therapy. Sorry about that guys.

Do I believe that “everyone should be in therapy” – no. I’m not that Woody Allen about it. But do I believe that therapy can help absolutely anyone – absolutely. I’ve “seen someone” (that’s what we say when we’re embarrassed to say, “been in therapy”) for a few issues over the years, and I’ve always found it to be eye-opening. You think you know how to ask yourself all the right questions, but you don’t. Or rather, I thought I knew how to ask myself all the right questions, but I didn’t.

Some friends of friends in New York are exploring that very issue in a funny web series called PsychoDrama.  In short, three actress friends start seeing the exact same therapist, and hilarity ensues. What I love most about this project is that it tackles what can be an “elephant in the room” in a really honest way. Yes, seeing a therapist can be a private thing, but if it’s only private because we’re ashamed, that’s not cool.

So you have two tasks for today. 1. Check out PhychoDrama and 2. Tell a good friend you’re seeing a shrink (if in fact you’re seeing a shrink).

And I promise I’ll write more on this important topic, maybe as soon as tomorrow!

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