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On Saturday I Figured Out What Was Wrong With My Flirting Game All Those Years

September 5, 2013

Weekend “Reading”: Tavi Gevinson’s TEDxTeen Talk

September 5, 2013

Info Graphic: 7 Types of Millennials

September 5, 2013

People have been talking about these things “infographics” for awhile now, so I thought I’d get into the game with one on the 7 Types of Millennials from Mint.com.

I like it because it’s really colorful in a vintage, east-side Los Angeles way and therefore looks like something I’d hang on the wall of my eventual office.  I don’t like it because when I embed it inside the blogger tool it comes out either that small, or WAY too big. So, below is my very first attempt at including an infographic. If you click on it, it takes you to the proper, full-sized site. Below THAT is the screenshot of how I think it’s supposed to look…

Apparently I’m the kind of millennial who is three years late to the game and still mostly clueless?


  1. Well I fit into exactly zero of those. Yay for overly-broad generalizations. This is why I hate basically every description of millenials.

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