You’re probably getting the hang of this sitch since my last, recent post on the topic, but just in case, here is what my whole Sunday Night Sex Talks show is all about.
This month’s edition of the series recaps lessons learned during our November show! Like always, names are concealed and stories are paraphrased to protect the brave performers who tell all at each show. We’re still not kidding about this privacy policy thing, which is why you hear some pretty incredible tales at our little show.
Things I Learned At Sunday Night Sex Talks: November Edition
Theme: Things To Be Thankful For…In Bed?
- Maybe don’t date the lead in your off, off Broadway version of Frankenstein, especially if he lives in tenement housing.
- The power of sexually is hard to define, harder to understand and hardest to erase from our early memories of what is powerful and sexy.
- If I cat talks to you in your dream. You’ve had too much to drink.
- Always find you shirt before going to bed with a man in the living room of your aunt and uncle’s house.
- There is perhaps nothing cooler than having a former Rockette for a mother.
- The recipe for getting over a break up of any kind is to watch all six seasons of Sex & the City over a four day period.
- Someone needs to do something about the design of that sleeping back coat that every woman in New York wears from approximately December through March. It’s horrendous and the opposite of sexy.
- Yes, a BFA in musical theater can come in handy during role play. No, wearing an over-sized security guard t-shirt with stripper heels and getting locked out of an apartment is not role play, or at least it’s not good role play.
- And men: beware of a woman who recently got out of a long-term relationship. I’m not sure how you’re supposed to figure that out, but if you can, do because she’s probably going to back out of sleeping with you right before it happens.
See you December 1st everyone!
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SEX and the city rules! especially samantha!
well anyways FOLLOW ME
i am a critique in everything hollywood! 🙂
and really need followers!
nice <3
Reproductive sexual intercourse between non-human animals is more often termed copulation; for most non-human mammals, mating and copulation occur at the point of estrus (the most fertile period of time in the female’s reproductive cycle), which increases the chances of successful impregnation.However, bonobos, dolphins and chimpanzees are known to engage in sexual intercourse regardless of whether or not the female is in estrus, and to engage in sex acts with same-sex partners.
seo toronto
great blog cheers!