I don’t really have any girl drama to rant about. I’ll leave most of the relationship nonsense to Jessie for now, interjecting here and there when I’ve got something worthwhile to say. Which is rare anyway, so don’t hold your breath. I do have to agree that reading a book has somehow become next to impossible somehow. Actually that isn’t true. Recently I finished one. I started it in July. I only read it on planes, and only sometimes. It depended how much other stuff I had to fit into by bag. Usually it was the last thing to make the cut. It was a good book though – The Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan. Jessie, add it to your list.
Anyway, I think by now everybody who is reading this knows that my company was sold. Figures, because I finally found a great place to work with great people that I really enjoy getting up for in the morning. (Yeah yeah…Pierson works for a granola company… get over it) I’m not going to complain about it really, we all knew that we’d be sold eventually and we’ll all land on our feet. My one complaint is that it puts me back on the lookout for a new job. This will be job # 6 for me since graduation.
I’ve become somewhat of a jobseeking pro at this point, I must say. Last time I did this my mother and aunt both gave me copies of that book What Color is Your Parachute? thinking I could use the help. This time around my biggest concern is that none of my dressy clothes fit anymore (that is for another post, for sure). I’ve made some good connections in the industry, have a good resume, blah blah blah.
Thats boring. What I want to bring up is all the weird and awkward things that happen in this whole process. For example: The Callback.
You meet a girl at the bar, you’re very attracted to her, you introduce yourself and you seem to hit it off, think you might want to spend roughly the next six months to two years with her and could really learn a lot and grow because of the relationship, the benefits of being with her are shaping up to be great, etc etc. You tell her a little bit about yourself, making yourself seem entirely more valuable and attractive than you are, and then make sure you have her contact information. You awkwardly part ways, not sure how bold to be at the end. Do I ask her if i can take her out soon? Or do I wait and do it over the phone? Personally I’m kind of a wimp, so I wait to do it over the phone. But I have no idea how many days is the appropriate amount of days to wait and call back. Are you seeing the analogy here? I last heard from them before the holidays, and I’m waiting ’til Monday of next week to call if I don’t hear back by then, in case you were wondering.
Another example: The Recruiter.
This is an amazing phenomenon to me. I met this guy Will at the National Association of Convenience Stores tradeshow. Which I only specify because it still amuses me that such an association even exists. I got his card, sent him my resume when I got home, and then he started shopping me around to potential employers. This is just weird. It’s possible that this guy who I met for all of 4 minutes in between stolen looks at the (very) scantily clad promotional models at the Monster energy drink booth will find me the job that changes my career and therefore life dramatically. Will hasn’t called in a while. I guess I’m not going to make him any money, so he’s over me. I’m over you too, Will.
Thats all I’ve got for now. Back to playing ping-pong at the office instead of working.
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Mathew don’t blame Will for not getting you a job he probably tired his best. not all recruiters are as nice as i am. haha
“you tell her a little bit about yourself, making yourself seem entirely more valuable and attractive than you are..”
Has this always been your strategy with the ladies? I thought it was “take her to a nice place like, hmm…let’s say Kells on Wednesday night, buy her lots of drinks, transition to the dance floor and see who makes the first move.” could have fooled me.
Just got referred to this blog, so I thought I would catch up on past posts
“You meet a girl at the bar, you’re very attracted to her, you introduce yourself and you seem to hit it off, think you might want to spend roughly the next six months to two years with her”
ARe you still single…because if you are, I think this is a good indication of why