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GIRLS Recap: Week Four – The Last One

admin - May 7, 2012

Hi guys. Apologies for the delay with this week’s GIRLS recap. I was in New Orleans for Jazz Fest, which is something everyone should do at least once in their lives. Now let’s move on to subjective opinions! I tried to think of a more exciting way to structure my recap of the fourth episode of this show, but then I watched it and all …

My Unexpected Late 20’s Vocabulary

admin - May 2, 2012

Last week I spoke with a woman who runs a website for soon-to-be college graduates about my own post-grad experience. She asked me questions about what I did right, what I did wrong, and what I would advise today’s 22-year-olds to do. The whole experience made me realize that I am not 22-years-old..not by a long shot. Since then I’ve been particularly aware of the …

GIRLS Recap: Week Three: The STD

admin - April 30, 2012

I’m taking a different approach with this week’s recap in an effort to determine whether I like or hate this show. In previous weeks I’ve watched the show then slept on it before writing the recap. I usually wake up feeling kinder and more thoughtful about what the writer/creator/direct is attempting with this piece of art. Last night I just wrote it all down as …

Confessions: My Bad Technology Behavior

admin - April 24, 2012

This Sunday the New York Times published a fantastic article about an important trend from an interesting angle. I was so proud of them. I recommend reading Sherry Turkle’s entire piece: The Flight From Conversation – a look at how our attachment to devices (the “i suite” and more) have made us more connected, but less conversational. It’s interesting, and scary, and true. For my …

GIRLS Recap: Week Two, Awkward Sex

admin - April 23, 2012

I honestly don’t know whether or not I liked the second episode of GIRLS. I laughed a few times. I think there was a moment where I said, “that’s a good point.” I know I really enjoyed the wrap blazer Marnie was wearing in one scene, and the music cue the show closed on, but on the whole, I’m confused. It’s the same wonder I …

My thoughts on “The Downside of Cohabiting Before Marriage.”

admin - April 18, 2012

More than a few people sent me the recent New York Times article – “The Downside of Cohabiting Before Marriage” – I assume in light of my recent move-in with R (Thanks guys! So sweet of you!). The piece is organized around the premise that, ” couples who cohabit before marriage (and especially before an engagement or an otherwise clear commitment) tend to be less …

GIRLS Recap: Week One, The Pilot

admin - April 16, 2012

“I think you’re trying to talk yourself into hating this show,” R said after I said, “I think I’m going to hate this show,” for the 20th time. That may or may not be true. GIRLS is the new HBO show about four, 20-somethings living in modern Manhattan, created, written by, directed by and starring Lena Dunham – a 20-something living in modern Manhattan. In …

This is the tumblr I wish I was writing.

admin - April 12, 2012

The incomparable Alison Eakle turned me onto this incomparable tumblr – AS YOU LIKE IT – via her Facebook, of course. I don’t know who’s writing this, I don’t know how long they’ve been at it, heck, I don’t even know if they’re male or female (feels male, but some people say that about my blog too). All I know is that I love it. …

GIRLS vs. SEX & THE CITY: how will they be different? and how will we relate?

admin - April 10, 2012

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about HBO’s new series GIRLS, HBO’s old series SEX & THE CITY, and my three little sisters. HBO’s new series GIRLS (created by 25-year-old phenom Lena Dunham) is about the career and sexual trials and tribulations of four, young 20-something women trying to make it in today’s New York/Brooklyn. HBO’s old series SEX & THE CITY was about the …