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My list of “must do/see/have” over my brief trip to New York

admin - April 5, 2012

I’m back in New York for a hot minute right now for a combo business/family holiday trip. As those of you who have been reading this blog since its B.C. (before California) era know, I have an unreasonable love-affair with Manhattan. I believe it is the greatest city in the world. I believe it was wildly defining to my life. Here, by way of one …

A Major Case for Zumba-ing

admin - April 3, 2012

On Saturday morning around 10:00AM I took a Zumba class at 3rd Street Dance – the relic of a dance studio two blocks from my new apartment. On Saturday morning around 11:05AM I decided to write this blog post. See, here’s the thing…s. I hate to exercise, in the traditional sense. I was never an athlete, and I didn’t belong to a gym until I …

Initial Thoughts Upon Living with a Boyfriend for the Very First Time

admin - March 29, 2012

I officially made the move into R’s spacious one bedroom apartment this past weekend. Here, in no particular order and without any editing, are my thoughts on the very new living situation: Wait…crap…now he can see all my clothes in one place. A. this is bad because there are arguably too many of them, and he is arguably wondering if he’s signed up for a …

My (delayed) Reaction to that New York Times Article, “The Go No-Where Generation””

admin - March 27, 2012

I tried to avoid commenting on that recent New York Times article calling us 20-somethings the “Go No-Where Generation.” I tried to avoid it because I didn’t think I had a legitimate response. I read that article and somewhat related to the idea of being stagnant. Yes, I currently live 3K miles from my hometown, but I waited five years to make the move. Yes, …

Approximate Internal Monologue Upon Discovery of Very First Gray Hair

admin - March 22, 2012

I apologize in advance for the drunken sailor-like language contained within this post. Time: approx 8:45 AM Location: bathroom mirror State of Mind: neutral (leans in close to mirror to apply Neutrogena tinted moisturizer) Wait. Whoa. Is that?…. Wait. Lemme (shifts strands around at hairline). Is it??? (shifts more strange). No. It’s not. It can’t be. (more shifting). OHMYGODITHINKITIS. (brings entire face within 1 centimeter …

Girls, we clearly need to have a talk about how to go pee-pee on the bar bathroom potty.

admin - March 20, 2012

Last Saturday night I found myself at The Rosewood Tavern on Fairfax in West Hollywood. I’m a fan of almost everything about that bar. Amazing beer and liquor list. Delicious English pub-style food. Big room with high ceilings. Tons of Edison bulbs. But unfortunately, The Rosewood Tavern made a tragic error in the design and build-out of their large bar/pub space, an error far too …

How To Prepare To Move In With Your Boyfriend

admin - March 15, 2012

There may come a time in your life when you and your boyfriend will decide you’re ready to live together, and when that times comes, you may or may not have some serious prep work to do. Here, in no particular order, are my personal recommendations. 1. Arrange an informal meeting in which you discuss the cosmetic improvements you’d each like to make to the …

The “You’re moving in?? Congrats!!” Curiosity

admin - March 8, 2012

R and I are moving in together at the end of the month. This is (shockingly) not a post about all the details (and decorating…) involved in that development (yet). It’s a post about the very curious reaction I’ve gotten from people upon sharing the good news. In almost every circumstance, from almost every person, it’s been some form of “CONGRATS!!” Via g-chat from my …