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Maybe I’m wrong about the whole wait-until-you’re-fully-established-to-have-kids thing

admin - March 6, 2012

I have a friend who just announced that she’s pregnant with her third child. She runs a flourishing business that she started in her early 20s. She’s successfully breaking into several other fields based on her diverse passions. She recently renovated her entire house. Aaanndd she’s only 1.5 years older than I am. It would appear as though waiting until her career was established to …

An SOS Re: Teens and These “Am I Ugly” Videos

admin - March 1, 2012

Are you aware of this wildly disturbing new trend where teens (anywhere from 10-16) post YouTube videos of themselves asking people to comment on whether or not they are pretty or ugly? Because I recently caught wind of the situation via an NPR segment (side note: I’m much worldlier now that I spend 2 hours a day in a car!), and I absolutely cannot get …

Being Hungover, 28-year-old style.

admin - February 28, 2012

A very disturbing thing occurred to me around hour 2.33 of the 84th Annual Academy Awards. It started as a sort of dull head ache. It wasn’t a sinus head ache (back of the eyes) or a hunger headache (for me, somewhere between the temples and the back of the neck). It was more like a woozy head ache, kind of like the way your …

This Is Who I Would Vote For If I Were a Member of the Academy

admin - February 24, 2012

Now that I live in Hollywood I’m more qualified than ever to comment on the pending Academy Awards. My house is 1.5 miles from the theater formerly known as the Kodak theater! My friend Ben works on the team that produces the awards! I got my own copy of the Hollywood Reporter Oscar Issue at work! Guys, I am the Oscars. Before you read on, …

One thing guys should never, ever say in the presence of a girl.

admin - February 23, 2012

This will be brief because the situation is just that simple. A few weeks ago I witnessed a very uncool thing happen at an otherwise cool event. (All the details are not important, but it is worth noting that the bar was hidden behind a restaurant Hollywood, and I drank delicious, free punch out of a super chic, vintage punch bowl.) Over the course of …

What Girls Really Mean When They Say They Like Nerdy Guys

admin - February 21, 2012

–> Decoding the details behind the common girl claim: “nerdy guys make the best boyfriends!” He has passions beyond sports, video games, and boobs. Being a “nerd” in the “girls love nerds” sense isn’t about understanding all of The Big Bang Theory, it’s about having interests beyond those of the typical brute boy set. Sports, videos games, boobs and the like are perfectly fine, but …

I’m glad The Grammys Let Chris Brown Perform, and Here’s Why

admin - February 16, 2012

I followed the very public response to the Chris Brown/Rihanna situation from the moment TMZ first published the disturbing, post-abuse images of the beaten pop star. I’m sorry. It’s not “the Chris Brown/Rihanna” situation. Abuse is not a “situation,” it’s a crime. I’ve also been closely following the very public response to Chris Brown’s recent Grammy performance. The questions of, “did he deserve to perform?” …

Perfecting the “Come Hither” look

admin - February 9, 2012

I’ve finally figured out why I A. often struggled to get guys to approach me in bars and B. hate both Mary Louise Park and Scarlett Johansson. The answer, in a picture, is this: See what they’re doing there? Smiling but by no means really smiling? Saying, “oh, hello there…” without actually suggesting that they want anything to do with whomever they’re looking at? It’s …

Why Breaking Up Is (Digitally) Hard To Do

admin - February 7, 2012

A good friend of mine recently went through what can only be described as a very mature break up. Both parties were polite. Both parties were honest. Both parties felt respected in the process. That does not mean there wasn’t heart ache and disappointment, it just means no one was in blatant violation of my previously outlined rules of breaking up. All seemed discussed and …