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How to receive notes on the first draft of your first feature film…from your boyfriend

admin - November 16, 2011

There is nothing quite as terrifying as the moment you receive notes on the first draft of the first feature film you’ve ever written, especially if those notes are coming from the person who has elected to date you. “Notes” is the catch-all term for suggested changes to your draft, AKA a line-by-line review of all the things you did poorly/wrong. This makes the notes …

This is how a man of 29 years should be

admin - November 14, 2011

A few thoughts on the way of man of 29 years should behave… A man of 29 years should call his parents and siblings on the phone every so often. He should be willing, able, and excited to host a group of friends at his place for a party. He should know how to call a woman he wants to date and make it clear …

How To Move To Los Angeles: 7 Things That Boost My L.A. Self Esteem

admin - November 10, 2011

The series continues, which may make it my most successful series to date! When I lived in New York I used to get a big confidence kick out of rattling off weekend changes to the subway schedule or navigating the most spaghetti-on-the-wall streets of the far West Village. Same went for spotting a top Conde editor or knowing exactly which restaurant we could walk into …

Last night I met Patti Stanger’s hispanic twin

admin - November 8, 2011

As of 7:30pm last night I did not have a blog post for today. The weekend was busy (culminating in the second, successful SUNDAY NIGHT SEX TALKS!), and I spent yesterday morning attempting to finish the feature I’ve been working on since – oh – July. Then the blog gods shone down on me and plopped the Latin American Patti Stanger down next to me …

In defense of the use of pet names

admin - November 3, 2011

I’m going to keep this short and sweet because I’m mortified that I’m even writing it in the first place. I now understand why people use pet names. For the past 28 years (I’m counting them all because I believe that even as an infant I abhorred their use) I have been adamantly against pet names. I never used one, never had one, never met …

An Open Letter to Everyone Who Is Upset About This Whole Kim Kardashian Divorce Situation

admin - November 2, 2011

Guys – I feel like we need to have a little sit down. I’ve noticed by your Facebook posts/Tumblr updates/Tweets that you are pretty peeved at Kim Kardashian for divorce-bombing Chris Humphries a mere 72 days after their fairy tale wedding. You’re saying things like, “how dare she!” and, “her career is done,” and, “reality TV has gone too far.” I even saw a few …

The 10 Ten Things I Fear Most About My 10 Year High School Reunion

admin - October 31, 2011

I wonder if there are people out there who receive their 10-year HS reunion invite and go, “YES! The night I’ve been waiting for! I am filled with joy and healthy anticipation. I have no fears or anxieties. I am fully confident in all I’ve done in the past 10 years and can’t wait to share it with my nearest and dearest former friends.” I …

Pride vs. Progress: why you should just tell him how much you like him already

admin - October 26, 2011

(This blog post may-or-may-not have been inspired by a “Dear Abby” I read in the Teen Vogue I may-or-may-not subscribe to…) I used to do the whole “keep-your-real-feelings-for-the-guy-a-secret” thing. In the early stages of dating, I’d walking on egg shells about my desire to see him three times a week and talk to him every day in between. If things got a little more serious, …

Relationship advice from yet another dentist

admin - October 24, 2011

Three years ago I went to the dentist in NYC and got completely unsolicited relationship advice that I posted here on this blog. Last week it happened again. Different city. Different dentist. Same barrage of advice on dating, relationships, marriage and children that I by no means requested. This time Dr. West Coast peppered in some general thoughts on both pop culture, history and philosophy. …