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Is Everybody EnGAGED?!?!

admin - September 2, 2011

You know that scene in IN & OUT – the classic “Kevin Kline-realizes-he’s-a-gay-man” romp – where Joan Cusak melts into a drunk puddle upon finding out that yet another man connected to her fiance is gay. “IS EVERYBODY GAAAAAY?!?!” she wails. Well that’s the move I pulled (minus the wedding dress, but including the piercing mid-western accent) upon finding out that yet another of my …

How to Write a Feature Film

admin - August 31, 2011

…as far as I know. Step 1: Consume a daily content cocktail of Deadline Hollywood, Variety, The Hollywood Reporter, and Entertainment Weekly (In magazine form. Their website sucks). Step 2: Arrive at the conclusion that if all these fools can sell a screenplay, so can I! Step 3: Spend 4-6 months pitching your boyfriend anywhere from 0-56 film concepts a week. Step 4: Deliver one, …

I’m in a relationship on the Facebook.

admin - August 29, 2011

It happened on Friday, and I can’t say it was entirely my doing. It was technically Michael who started the whole thing, and if I had a nickel for every time that was the case I’d be a very rich woman (albeit with far fewer of my favorite clothes). I’ve racked up over 7 full years on the Facebook and haven’t once included a relationship …

14 Things That 20-Somethings Can Do

admin - August 26, 2011

Today’s piece is inspired by a very funny essay on Thought Catalog. (Thanks to Lindsey Martin for sending it my way). Excellent writer Ryan O’Connell has explored many aspects that make us 20-somethings inferior to the rest of the world. For this latest piece he pretends to go glass-half-full by highlighting 7 Things A 20-Something CAN Do. I thought I’d help Ryan slash all of …

An Open Letter to The New York Times regarding this “Stayovers” business

admin - August 24, 2011

Dear The New York Times: Let me start by saying that I’m a big fan of your whole operation. You’re doing some solid reporting on many of the world’s issues under just the veil of liberalism that my coast-dwelling, 20-something peers and I appreciate. That said, what in Tina Turner’s name was that article about the “stayover” as a new form of relationship?? Did someone …

The Checking-Out Series: Your 9-year-old self knows you very well…

admin - August 22, 2011

Today’s chapter in the Checking-Out series comes from my good friend and matchmaker Clelia who finally tapped back into her childhood passions to change her path in life. I hated the trajectory my life was on. It was just all wrong. That much I knew six months into my first job. I was working as a lawyer at a big law firm, a seemingly prestigious …

Keeping up a relationship after the relationship

admin - August 19, 2011

So this is interesting. I know a couple who, upon ending their one year relationship, decided that they would commit to seeing each other for a drink or meal bi-weekly for an indefinite amount of time (yeah, it means every other week). The idea of the arrangement stemmed from the fact that the two have very intertwined friend circles and would surely confront spending time …

Is bickering just another form of communication?

admin - August 17, 2011

When lacking for people I legitimately know upon which to base my blog posts, I often turn to people I illegitimately know (read: reality TV stars). I possess an above average ability to “feel like I’ve known you my whole life” (read: judge you super quickly) making reality television a delightful source of new best friends. The newest additions to my circle are the stars …

L.A. 1 Year Decision Anniversary: The NY/LA non-rivalry

admin - August 12, 2011

One year ago today I made the final decision to move to L.A. Around May of last year I made a 85% decision in my head that the move could/should/would happen by September 1st, but it wasn’t until a real job opportunity presented that I set the actual date. It was on this exact day last year that it all came together, and in magican …