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L.A. 8 months in: Mom’s first visit

admin - May 2, 2011

There is nothing more nerve-wracking than your mother’s first visit to the city she’s been begging you not to move to for the past decade. Add to that the fact that you’re fully adjusted after eight months in this new home, have the first serious boyfriend of your life, and don’t currently need anything at Bed, Bath, & Beyond. In the words of my mother, …

What’s your financial age? – if such a thing even exists…

admin - April 25, 2011

R and I spent this past weekend in Portland (OR not ME) at the Bridgetown Comedy Festival because R works in the TV world on the comedy side, and I work the angle on free hotel rooms in cities known for their walk-ability. Technically speaking we’re still here on account of mechanical issues grounding our flight from PDX to LAX, which I’d generally be livid …

What does the person someone sets you up with say about you vs. them?

admin - April 20, 2011

My friend/co-worker A and I had a little disagreement the other day. See, A was recently set up with a lady whom he found displeasing to his personal tastes. He used very colorful language to explain this which I am purposefully omitting from this blog post. The situation made A angry. He took the friends’ choice of set up as a personal offense. If this …

Apparently there are non-Jewish girls out there who are only looking to date slash marry Jewish guys?

admin - April 18, 2011

Here’s a little Passover post. Before delving into this topic based on things I have heard from several other people, not things I have made up in my own mind, let me make a million disclaimers. I do not necessarily believe this information to be true. The idea that there are non-Jewish girls who are only interested in dating Jewish guys is something I have …

Good/Bad News: Apparently what we hate in common indicates how well we’ll get along

admin - April 12, 2011

The team over at The Frisky linked to an interested potential-truth recently published in New York mag . Apparently it’s what you hate in common, not what you like in common that’s a true indicator of how you’ll survive as a couple. A University of South Florida researcher (Jennifer Bosson) published findings in the Personal and Social Psychology Bulletin that basically say, “There’s something really …

Is it possible to date outside your professional progress and last?

admin - April 11, 2011

Six (gulp) years ago I wrote an article for The Heights, the “independent student newspaper of Boston College”, called, “Can you date outside your style zone and last?” It was about whether couples un-like-minded in the fashion department stood a chance at long-term survival. What do clothing choices say/not say about a person, and how much does whatever they say predict how a relationship will …

The problem with dating in L.A. is that no one knows whether or not they’re doing it

admin - April 7, 2011

People warned me about the L.A. dating scene long before I moved here: “It’s the absolute worst,” they said. “Everyone is just using everyone else to get ahead,” they said. “Plus it’s like high school here! The social circle is so small that you can’t hook up with anyone without is being total town news.” All valid complaints, but par for the course in the …

An open letter to this year’s high school seniors

admin - April 5, 2011

Hi you guys – how’s it going?… If my memory of exactly one decade ago (gulp) serves me correctly, a fairly high percentage of you are freaking out. You have 50 + school days left of high school and under 5 months before college. All anyone older than you is asking is what you think you’ll major in, or if you plan to pledge a …

The fear and affection connection.

admin - March 31, 2011

I have a very short list of very grave fears: being held at gunpoint and/or witnessing someone else being held at gunpoint being forced to watch an open mouth tooth brusher brush their teeth in front of me never fulfilling my life-long dream to be a full-time writer and throwing up Most people dislike throwing up. Some people really hate throwing up. I am downright …