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Celebrate Good Times (and bad times, and random times), Come On!

admin - September 11, 2012

If you know me, then you know that I am incredibly indulgent. I treat myself to a dirty martini every single time something good happens with my writing career and a cheap dress every time I feel like I’ve been eating healthy enough to enjoy the process of trying on a new, cheap dress. I love a party, and so I like to simulate that …

My Podcast about Romance and My Article about Money in LA vs. NY

admin - September 6, 2012

 I don’t invoke a Newsies intro image for any old day. Two big things have happened/are happening that I think you will enjoy. 1. JUST THE TIP PODCAST, featuring the voices of R and me!  Erin La Rosa and Marcos Luevanos of “JUST THE TIP” Our friends Erin La Rosa and Marcos Luevanos has a new, fun podcast called Just The Tip in which they …

On Executing the “Are We Exclusive?” Conversation

admin - August 30, 2012

Long before the nerve-wracking, “I love you,” and – in my opinion – even more nerve-wracking, “can I fart freely now?”comes the mother of all awkward conversations – the “are we?/should we be?/I’d like to be exclusive.” Deciding to go from “seeing each other” to boyfriend/girlfriend is no small deal, except that it is, but we’ll get to that in a second. Regardless, you want …

Let’s talk about relying on another person’s financial help in order to fulfill your personal goals

admin - August 23, 2012

Things are going to change significantly for me in the personal finance category as I transition into the life of a freelancer. As I mentioned, I have enough savings to get me by on my current spending levels for many months, but I’d like to avoid tapping into those savings as much as possible. I have nightly dreams of some free article I write for …

The 8 Characteristics of Healthy Relationships

admin - July 24, 2012

My friend Liz passed me this interesting article on elements of a healthy relationship. It came as a PDF, so I’ve pasted the full details below. The writer is  Mark Sanders, who bears the letters LCSW, CADC next to his name. I think that makes him some sort of psychologist. I’ll look into it and get back to you. To me the most interesting point …

If you had a daughter, would you want her to date your boyfriend?

admin - June 19, 2012

In the past three weeks I’ve had more than a few conversations with women currently dating difficult men (note: I’m trying to use “women” and “men” vs. “girls” and “guys” because most of the people I refer to are almost 30…). They don’t text back. They don’t keep plans. They treat them differently in private than they do in public. It’s the typical list of …

The Live-in Boyfriend to Personal Finances Connection

admin - June 5, 2012

I’ve been doing a little side writing for this fantastic personal finance site called LearnVest.com. For those of you familiar with my math skills and history of personal finance, stop laughing. My most recent piece was a really tricky one to write. As a fiercely independent female, I felt weird admitting to all the ways being in a relationship – and more specifically, moving in …

BREAKING NEWS regarding men and the pick-up game

admin - May 15, 2012

Yesterday I heard someone say something and thought, “wow I have never even considered that genius thought before.” The someone was my friend/co-worker Jade, a thoughtful male of the 25-35-year-old range, and the something was exactly this: “Everything it takes for a man to be good at picking up a woman is exactly what you don’t want him to have in a relationship, and vice …