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My thoughts on “The Downside of Cohabiting Before Marriage.”

admin - April 18, 2012

More than a few people sent me the recent New York Times article – “The Downside of Cohabiting Before Marriage” – I assume in light of my recent move-in with R (Thanks guys! So sweet of you!). The piece is organized around the premise that, ” couples who cohabit before marriage (and especially before an engagement or an otherwise clear commitment) tend to be less …

This is the tumblr I wish I was writing.

admin - April 12, 2012

The incomparable Alison Eakle turned me onto this incomparable tumblr – AS YOU LIKE IT – via her Facebook, of course. I don’t know who’s writing this, I don’t know how long they’ve been at it, heck, I don’t even know if they’re male or female (feels male, but some people say that about my blog too). All I know is that I love it. …

Initial Thoughts Upon Living with a Boyfriend for the Very First Time

admin - March 29, 2012

I officially made the move into R’s spacious one bedroom apartment this past weekend. Here, in no particular order and without any editing, are my thoughts on the very new living situation: Wait…crap…now he can see all my clothes in one place. A. this is bad because there are arguably too many of them, and he is arguably wondering if he’s signed up for a …

How To Prepare To Move In With Your Boyfriend

admin - March 15, 2012

There may come a time in your life when you and your boyfriend will decide you’re ready to live together, and when that times comes, you may or may not have some serious prep work to do. Here, in no particular order, are my personal recommendations. 1. Arrange an informal meeting in which you discuss the cosmetic improvements you’d each like to make to the …

The “You’re moving in?? Congrats!!” Curiosity

admin - March 8, 2012

R and I are moving in together at the end of the month. This is (shockingly) not a post about all the details (and decorating…) involved in that development (yet). It’s a post about the very curious reaction I’ve gotten from people upon sharing the good news. In almost every circumstance, from almost every person, it’s been some form of “CONGRATS!!” Via g-chat from my …

One thing guys should never, ever say in the presence of a girl.

admin - February 23, 2012

This will be brief because the situation is just that simple. A few weeks ago I witnessed a very uncool thing happen at an otherwise cool event. (All the details are not important, but it is worth noting that the bar was hidden behind a restaurant Hollywood, and I drank delicious, free punch out of a super chic, vintage punch bowl.) Over the course of …

What Girls Really Mean When They Say They Like Nerdy Guys

admin - February 21, 2012

–> Decoding the details behind the common girl claim: “nerdy guys make the best boyfriends!” He has passions beyond sports, video games, and boobs. Being a “nerd” in the “girls love nerds” sense isn’t about understanding all of The Big Bang Theory, it’s about having interests beyond those of the typical brute boy set. Sports, videos games, boobs and the like are perfectly fine, but …

Perfecting the “Come Hither” look

admin - February 9, 2012

I’ve finally figured out why I A. often struggled to get guys to approach me in bars and B. hate both Mary Louise Park and Scarlett Johansson. The answer, in a picture, is this: See what they’re doing there? Smiling but by no means really smiling? Saying, “oh, hello there…” without actually suggesting that they want anything to do with whomever they’re looking at? It’s …