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10 Super Adult Things I’ve Recently Learned How To Do

Jessie Rosen - January 24, 2014

On February 7th I will be 30 and 1/2 years old, and I’m proud to say I’ll be marking that milestone half birthday just a little bit wiser. Here is the impressive list of things I’ve mastered since turning the big 3-0. 1. How to take care of my skin I’ve had a face for 30 years, and yet I’ve only learned how to properly …

Pro/Con Debate: Hiring a Business Manager

Jessie Rosen - January 22, 2014

As mentioned, R and I have decided to engage in some marriage planning to go along with our wedding planning. The former is way more boring, overwhelming and void of fashion-related choices than the latter, but I’m playing along. Step one of one bagillion has been the question of whether or not to start a relationship with a business manager/business management firm. What does a …

Surrendering to the Perfect Bride Body Obsession

Jessie Rosen - January 8, 2014

This is going to be short because I’m A. mortified by my complete and utter defeat over the powers of the wedding devil on my shoulder and B. have to finish the rest of my writing work so I can fit in my Jillian Michael’s DVD before R gets home to we head to a Pilates class. Yes, that’s where we’re at. I’m four months …

30 Resolutions for 30-Somethings

Jessie Rosen - January 2, 2014

Exactly one year ago I wrote an article for Thought Catalog called 20 Resolutions for 20-Somethings. Today on account of my age bracket increase I have to add ten more ideas to the list and make everything sound more adult. #Woeis30, but here’s hoping this list of suggested to-do’s will help us all fake it into adulthood a bit more this coming year. 1. If …

Is Instagram Helping or Hurting My Life?

Jessie Rosen - December 16, 2013

That Sunday Styles article about Instagram gave me a stomach ache. From the minute I read the title – The Agony of Instagram – I knew what the entire piece was about, and my gut reaction was, don’t read it. Don’t further uncover what you already know; Instagram is making you crazy. Fine, maybe not crazy but definitely a more image-oriented, people-pleasing, showy version of …

What Are We Supposed To Do About the Way Women’s Magazines Treat Women?

Jessie Rosen - December 13, 2013

This isn’t the first article I’ve ever read about a celebrity being airbrushed into a unrealistic, unachievable alien. It’s not even the first time I’ve read about Jennifer Lawrence – a refreshing example of a more normal-sized human – being subjected to the treatment. I write about celebrity fashion for a (current) living. I’m well aware of the drill. But for some reason this specific …

Wedding Planning Reveals Your Weaknesses

Jessie Rosen - December 11, 2013

I’ve been torn about writing this post because I didn’t for a minute want to make it seem as though I’m not enjoying the planning of my upcoming wedding, but the more I stressed I got about putting my thoughts down on the blog, the more I realized that those fears were precisely the point of the post (sorry. I’m now addicted to alliteration on …

The First Annual 30 (and 20-Nothings) Holiday Gift Guide!

Jessie Rosen - December 9, 2013

I love a holiday gift guide as much as the next person looking for a way to spend 15 minutes pretending they’re not just procrastinating online, but I find that most if not all feature things no one needs at prices most people can’t afford. And so I decided that I should spend 30 minutes pretending I’m not procrastinating online by writing a gift guide …

Things I Still Can’t Do at 30 Years Old

Jessie Rosen - December 4, 2013

This morning I spent 25 minutes and two really nice shirts attempting to eat a grapefruit, hence this post. This is not a means to develop New Years Resolutions in one plus months time or some kind of whoa-is-me post, it’s simply a collection of facts…that I’d love if the 30-year-olds among you could agree with in comments. 10. Eat a grapefruit – Are you …