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The 700th Post

admin - May 29, 2012

This blog post is arriving way later today than I intended for it to arrive. For some reason the big 7-0-0 sent me into a tizzy – what to write? what to say? what to feel? 20-Nothings.com has been around since 2007. Somehow that feels like both a mere 25 and the full 700 posts ago.  At previous hund-o markers, I’ve reflected on how the …

How To Avoid Becoming a Sad Jon Hamm…if there even is such a thing

admin - May 11, 2012

–> The topic of turning 30 in 1.5 years came up over dinner with a bunch of my girlfriends last night.  It’s a topic that’s coming up all too frequently these days, though I imagine it will get even worse in, say, 0.5 years. For better or worse, it’s major life milestones like turning 30 that make you question where you’re going, and if you’re …

My Unexpected Late 20’s Vocabulary

admin - May 2, 2012

Last week I spoke with a woman who runs a website for soon-to-be college graduates about my own post-grad experience. She asked me questions about what I did right, what I did wrong, and what I would advise today’s 22-year-olds to do. The whole experience made me realize that I am not 22-years-old..not by a long shot. Since then I’ve been particularly aware of the …

Confessions: My Bad Technology Behavior

admin - April 24, 2012

This Sunday the New York Times published a fantastic article about an important trend from an interesting angle. I was so proud of them. I recommend reading Sherry Turkle’s entire piece: The Flight From Conversation – a look at how our attachment to devices (the “i suite” and more) have made us more connected, but less conversational. It’s interesting, and scary, and true. For my …

A Major Case for Zumba-ing

admin - April 3, 2012

On Saturday morning around 10:00AM I took a Zumba class at 3rd Street Dance – the relic of a dance studio two blocks from my new apartment. On Saturday morning around 11:05AM I decided to write this blog post. See, here’s the thing…s. I hate to exercise, in the traditional sense. I was never an athlete, and I didn’t belong to a gym until I …

Approximate Internal Monologue Upon Discovery of Very First Gray Hair

admin - March 22, 2012

I apologize in advance for the drunken sailor-like language contained within this post. Time: approx 8:45 AM Location: bathroom mirror State of Mind: neutral (leans in close to mirror to apply Neutrogena tinted moisturizer) Wait. Whoa. Is that?…. Wait. Lemme (shifts strands around at hairline). Is it??? (shifts more strange). No. It’s not. It can’t be. (more shifting). OHMYGODITHINKITIS. (brings entire face within 1 centimeter …

Maybe I’m wrong about the whole wait-until-you’re-fully-established-to-have-kids thing

admin - March 6, 2012

I have a friend who just announced that she’s pregnant with her third child. She runs a flourishing business that she started in her early 20s. She’s successfully breaking into several other fields based on her diverse passions. She recently renovated her entire house. Aaanndd she’s only 1.5 years older than I am. It would appear as though waiting until her career was established to …

Being Hungover, 28-year-old style.

admin - February 28, 2012

A very disturbing thing occurred to me around hour 2.33 of the 84th Annual Academy Awards. It started as a sort of dull head ache. It wasn’t a sinus head ache (back of the eyes) or a hunger headache (for me, somewhere between the temples and the back of the neck). It was more like a woozy head ache, kind of like the way your …