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My annual birthday blog post

admin - August 7, 2011

Do you only technically turn a year older at midnight in the time-zone where you where born? So, if you’re born in London but live in New York should you officially celebrate your birthday at 7pm the day before your date of birth? The thought only occurred to me today. Today, for the first time in my now 28 years I opened my eyes in …

Reclaiming the word “slut”?

admin - July 27, 2011

A recent NY Times article about the state of the word “slut” caught my eye, naturally. “The Taming of the Slur” was penned by Times staffer Stephanie Rosenbloom who covers American social trends for The Gray Lady. Her piece examines how the nature of the “slur” has changed over the years as teens claim it for their own use and meaning. Writes Rosenbloom:“Slut’’ is tossed …

L.A. Almost 11 months in: The sub 10 minute agenting

admin - July 25, 2011

This weekend I experienced my first Comicon. For those unfamiliar, Comicon is intended to be a massive festival of the popular arts (specifically comic books) and all the forms of media that they inspire (TV, film, digital). In reality Comicon is a marketing platform for the major networks and studios and a party for anyone in Los Angeles who could come up with an excuse …

What major life status issue stresses you out the most?

admin - July 13, 2011

Every six months or so I decide that I need to be saving way more money than I’m currently saving, and so I go on a fear-fueled Google binge of every Roth IRA and high yield savings account available until I ultimately decide that I can’t really afford to save much more money and just re-sign up for Keep the Change from Bank of America …

L.A. Month 10: The Top 10 Things I Hate About L.A.

admin - July 11, 2011

I’m back today after ten days on the east coast with family and friends – back to the new city and coast where I’ve now lived for ten full months. And so in honor of these facts and the fact that I have zero brain power to write a legitimately thoughtful post (though one is coming about how it feels to watch the first of …

Why I think we 20-somethings need therapy

admin - June 23, 2011

There are a million blog-post worthy things packed inside Lori Gottlieb’s article on how to land your kids in therapy (see yesterday’s post). There’s the whole idea that our generation has a discomfort with being uncomfortable: “If kids can’t experience painful feelings, [Dr. Dan] Kindlon told me when I called him not long ago, they won’t develop “psychological immunity.” “It’s like the way our body’s …

On letting my freak flag fly: suitcase edition

admin - June 17, 2011

I am currently on the East coast with R as his +1 to the wedding of one of his very best friends. It’s taken me 27.9 years, but I am finally attending a wedding with a boyfriend. In negative news, I’m down one killer “never have I ever.” Naturally this kind of event comes with its stresses. I’m meeting some of R’s best friends for …

L.A. 9.5 Months In: Social Currency in LaLa Land

admin - June 15, 2011

…how to craft this post so that you don’t end up hating me slash the city of Los Angeles… Perhaps a list of disclaimers will help: Every place has a social currency – a system of understanding who is where in life (succeeding, failing, struggling, rising) based on given factors about their life (they have a lot of money, they published a book, they have …

Why I decided not to write last week

admin - June 6, 2011

As you may have noticed, I didn’t write any blog posts last week – not a’ one – not even a round up of stuff from the Internet, which is my standard move when I don’t have time for real thought. There are a number of reasons for this: I’m currently producing a daily web series at work that shoots every night. Since I’m still …

Graduating for the third time

admin - May 25, 2011

–> I may or may not have mentioned that two of my younger sisters followed in my footsteps by attending the Boston College. This is very wonderful because we share a the very unique experience of knowing what it is to spend four years on “The Heights” learning to be “women and men for others” educated to “set the world aflame” (read: we have the …