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L.A. 8 months in: Mom’s first visit

admin - May 2, 2011

There is nothing more nerve-wracking than your mother’s first visit to the city she’s been begging you not to move to for the past decade. Add to that the fact that you’re fully adjusted after eight months in this new home, have the first serious boyfriend of your life, and don’t currently need anything at Bed, Bath, & Beyond. In the words of my mother, …

What’s your financial age? – if such a thing even exists…

admin - April 25, 2011

R and I spent this past weekend in Portland (OR not ME) at the Bridgetown Comedy Festival because R works in the TV world on the comedy side, and I work the angle on free hotel rooms in cities known for their walk-ability. Technically speaking we’re still here on account of mechanical issues grounding our flight from PDX to LAX, which I’d generally be livid …

An open letter to this year’s high school seniors

admin - April 5, 2011

Hi you guys – how’s it going?… If my memory of exactly one decade ago (gulp) serves me correctly, a fairly high percentage of you are freaking out. You have 50 + school days left of high school and under 5 months before college. All anyone older than you is asking is what you think you’ll major in, or if you plan to pledge a …

When I knew I was an adult, and what that says about me

admin - March 28, 2011

–> I week or so ago I received an e-mail from a writer working on a new book about 20-something America – who we are as a set, how we differ from generations previous, what we want out of this phase in our lives. Her e-mail contained a long list of questions developed – I assume – to get a sense of who I am …

L.A. 6 Months In: a city full of passion-players

admin - March 2, 2011

I was listening to a podcast in my car the other day because it’s the only distraction I’ve found that helps me avoid tearing all the skin off my body as I crawl home from work at 12 mph (literally. I live 12 miles from work and it can take me one, full hour to get home). On that particular night it was an episode …

2011 New Year’s Resolutions: Better Late Than Wronger?

admin - January 24, 2011

New Year’s resolutions are not for the indecisive, or the chronically over-achieving, or people carrying 8 bullet-point to-do lists over from 2010. Unfortunately, right now I’m all three. It wasn’t until this past week that I finally crossed off the last task and deemed myself ready to start thinking about how to live my 2011 life. Ready to start thinking about, being the operative sentence …

Fear, Desire, and 2010 reflections

admin - January 3, 2011

We unanimously decided that classic, New York Chinese food was the proper last lunch for my trip back East slash reunion with the Mississippi’s. Jenny, Zac, Meg and I were joined by R and Clelia (my college friend, his childhood friend, and the person who suggested we meet). It was just the meal we bargained for, despite it being 10,000 degrees in the second floor …

The blog is a year older today – and maybe finally wiser

admin - December 13, 2010

The blog is three years old today. Three whole years ago Pierson and I took our incessant gchat conversations from private to public for the purpose of…we had no idea. Truly. I can tell you the goal wasn’t to end up in Los Angeles three years later pursuing a career in entertainment. And while that result certainly isn’t wholly owed to this blog (sorry Mom, …