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Need a gut check on your life thus far?

admin - August 31, 2010

Have a going away party. There is a difference between typing the e-mail addresses of everyone you know into a g-mail “to” field and seeing those e-mail addresses arrive as people at your going away party. There are a lot of differences. When you go through your Facebook friends slash brain to be sure you have everyone included it’s a simple process of see name, …

The Results Episode: At 20 _______ you feel __________

admin - August 30, 2010

–> Your responses were outrageous. All 55 + of them. They were moving, thoughtful, honest, and incredibly well-written. They made me think things I’ve never thought before and validated thoughts/hopes/questions I’ve had for ages. But, most importantly, they made me realize that this whole thing is way bigger than a New York Times article (or rebuttal). Way bigger. I’ve printed all your responses, clipped your …

At 27 I feel…

admin - August 25, 2010

Here is my overdue response to my own prompt – “At 20 _____ I Feel ______.” I’ve been so wildly impressed and moved by all the responses from all of you that writing my own became even harder. There are one hundred different feelings to cap off the prompt from where I stand right now, but I’ve decided that for me, it’s really just as …

How to buy my first car

admin - August 16, 2010

One of the more important steps in the process of moving to California is – apparently – buying a car. I have been told that it’s more important to have a car in L.A. than it is to have an apartment. “See because you can sleep in your car,” said one friend, “but you can’t drive your apartment to work.” Hard to argue with. And …

It’s time to tell the blog.

admin - August 13, 2010

–> “So when are you going to tell the blog?!” Mike asked after I confirmed that the news was official. I laughed because of the way he said it – to “tell the blog” – like I have to sit the Internet down for a we-need-to-talk. My news isn’t really what this blog is about, I told him. But when I thought about it – …

The story of my guest appearance on the Suze Orman show

admin - August 11, 2010

If you happened to be home on Saturday night at 9pm (…and know what I look like) there’s a chance you’re already aware of this bizarre news. Long story short. I wrote an article about following Suze Orman’s cash-only diet. Here it is on Aol’s lifestyle site, Lemondrop.com Suze found said article because some fan of her show read it and tweeted it to her. …

Precisely what’s so scary about my scary age

admin - August 6, 2010

–> It’s finally happening. I’m turning my scary age tomorrow. The terrifying 2-7. Two years ago when this whole scary age situation came about I said there was a chance I’d adjust for inflation once the number arrived, but now that it’s here I’ve decided it stays. Not because I am petrified to be turning 27, devastated that my early 20’s are over, depressed about …

Suburban Sabbatical Week 10: My Busband and me

admin - July 12, 2010

I realize it’s been weeks since I’ve updated on my suburban Summer. It’s not for lack of material. It’s just that once I start in on a topic – no matter the direction – it somehow downward spirals into the conclusion that living 1.5 hours bus-ride-hours away from your entire existence suuuucks. And I try not to say sucks too much; it upsets my Mom. …