Hi! You’ve reached my (beloved) former blog. Come find me & my current work at JessieRosen.com

Apparently you need a first date

June 19, 2009

Aluminum Magnolias

June 19, 2009

My Daily Beast piece: Nobody to Somebody?

June 19, 2009
Also —

I recently spent a month with famed publicist Lizzie Grubman on an experiment about how long it can take one nobody to go from unknown to A-list.

The nobody was me

Four weeks ago, I was just another blogger. Now-thanks to a makeover by New York publicity powerhouse Lizzie Grubman-I might be the next Tina Fey. 
Or something like that.
One month ago, I was what people who care about the difference would call a nobody—no society connections, no celebrity boss, no trust fund to buy tables next to people who are people.

Then, last Friday, I was personally invited to Puffy’s annual White Party.  And in two weeks, I’m being shot as part of a buzz campaign for the new Boyfriend Shirt from SEW.

How that transformation happened is 30% chance and 85% Lizzie Grubman PR.


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