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October 2009

Chapter 4: Glory Days, Venice Beach CA 2009-…

admin - October 5, 2009

“I’m preparing to enter my glory days,” my friend Ben said as we were walk slash talking down Abbet Kinney in Venice Beach.   He said it just like he’d said, “so we’ll go surfing for about two hours this afternoon, then run errands.”  Or, “I figure I’ll buy my big boy car after business school” – definitive and matter-of-fact, but not without a clear background …

The 20-Nothing Hustle: LA, New York, and everywhere

admin - October 2, 2009

In this town you hear people say “she’s got a lot of hustle” – not “she can hustle” or “she’s a hustler” –  it’s that she is possessing of hustle.  They also say “take a meeting” instead of just have one and “there’s some heat around it” if something looks promising, so the L.A. lexicon is an overall issue.  For another day… What they mean …

Dating: New York vs. LA

admin - October 1, 2009

You knew this was coming… After five days in LA I’ve concluded fairly firmly that dates slash boyfriends are more accessible here for the 20-something set than they are in New York.  This isn’t to be confused with plentiful (there are more dates/guys) or quality (the dates/guys are superior), it’s accessibility (you’ll have an easier time getting the dates/guys).  Evidence, rationale is as follows: 1. …