A few weeks ago I spent an hour talking to some incredible little ones about my life as a writer. I made a little powerpoint, wore a little professional outfit and was a little nervous. They did not seem to notice. It was that greatest thing I’ve done with 60 minutes in a very long time (also I got Dominos pizza and a whole lesson on why Demi Lovato is better than Taylor Swift. “Demi is just like more realer than Taylor. And Taylor is like too tall!”).
My talk was part of the Dream Mentor program run by the Children’s Lifesaving Foundation of Los Angeles. A little on the CLF from their website:
CLF MISSION STATEMENT: The Children’s Lifesaving Foundation (the CLF) is a non-profit, 501( c)(3) organization, dedicated to transforming the lives of homeless and at-risk children and families in Los Angeles through academic, social and domestic support.
OVERVIEW: Since 1993, the CLF has served over 75,000 at-risk and homeless youth and families-through its three program platforms- Living, Learning and Enriching.
If you are local to Los Angeles I recommend you get in touch with this awesome program to find out how you can inspire the youth of America in 45 minutes or less. Here is a link to find out more information.
If you’re not local to Los Angeles, check out the Boys & Girls Club wherever you are located, or the YMCA, or your local church, temple or mosque, or just ask some kids in your neighborhood if you can read them a book. You can also use this great website called Volunteer Match. Truly, every little bit counts. Plus your session might just end with the joy of one little girl telling you she wants to be you when she grows up – even if she confesses it’s because she likes your “kinda blonde” hair. “It’s called ombre,” I told her. “Cool! Umbros!” she said back.
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