Hi! You’ve reached my (beloved) former blog. Come find me & my current work at JessieRosen.com

A Secret To Successful Marriage: Count It All

May 22, 2017

What Makes Me A Little Bit Like Wonder Woman

May 22, 2017

10 Questions I’d (Still) Like To Ask Roger Ailes Mourners

May 22, 2017

Today I woke up really mad about this whole stealthing situation. Have you heard about this? It’s when men take their condom off mid-sex without telling their sex partner, and it’s a trend. Today. In 2017.


It made me mad about Roger Ailes and the men like him all over again. Reminder: he died last week. It was a busy one, so I don’t blame you for missing that headline.

After Ailes died I had the esteemed honor of writing an angry listicle about it for The Prompt. Here is that piece.


The way I cropped this makes his face look smooshed. HA!


My wish is for us to live in a world where no one has to re-live this anger – or at least for it to happen a whole hell of a lot less frequently…


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