Hi! You’ve reached my (beloved) former blog. Come find me & my current work at JessieRosen.com

How To Figure Out Exactly How Much Your Wedding Will Cost

September 2, 2015

How To Avoid Buying Clothes You Absolutely Do Not Need

September 2, 2015

Ear Charms, Investing Ease, YA Reads & Caitlyn Jenner

September 2, 2015

Back with another foursome of HUMP DAY HELP to get you through this mid-week slump. This time I’m happy to deliver a BONUS fifth piece of happy that comes in the form of a podcast featuring yours truly talking about Beverly Hills 90210. It delivers you a whopping 1.5 hours of procrastination time. You’re welcome.

Here’s this week’s round-up

1. Social Butterfly’s Charmed Ear Hook

This little piece of behind-the-lobe bling is the latest and greatest in non piercing-based ear decor. It works perfectly with the Rachel McAdams-in-True-Detective-2 asymmetrical lob that everyone got six months. You need one, and the haircut if you’re the two people who haven’t gotten it already. Social Butterfly here in L.A. ships anywhere!

2. E!’s I AM CAIT

I can’t get through an episode of this legitimately informative and even more touching docu-series about Caitlyn Jenner’s life-after-transition without crying. Yes, it has the glitz and gloss of the Kardashian programming block, but Cait and her friends talk about real issues facing the trans community with candor, courage and charm. I love it; I respect it; and I believe we all need to watch it. Sundays 8/7c on E!

3. Una LaMarche’s Latest Novel: Don’t Fail Me Now

I met the incredible Una when we were both baby bloggers living in New York. Now she is a famous blogger and wildly accomplished novelist and memoirist, and I’m hoping to copy her every move with my first novel out very, very soon. Start with Una’s latest, Don’t Fail Me Now; her first, Five Summersher second Like No Other; or her pitch-perfect memoir, UnibrowIt probably makes sense to just buy the whole collection in one Amazon Prime order.

4. Investing Made Easy with Ashley Feinstein’s Savvy Investor Course

Remember Ashley from that post I wrote on the single easiest way to save money for your vacation? Well she’s back to help you learn how to invest. It’s not just for Gordon Gecko and that real smarmy guy from your high school class! Ashley is going to take you through the steps of proper money placement to make your dollars earn you more dollars all by themselves! If that wasn’t convincing enough – Ashley is offering 20-Nothings readers a sweet discount. The course is typically an insanely reasonable $177 a month for 3 months but for you guys it’s just $149 a month. That is approximately two trips to the Nordstrom Rack or one latte per day! You need this. Here’s the lovely Ashley to tell you why.

And me on 90210 The Blaze with Lizzie + Kat!

The wildly popular Beverly Hills 90210-themed podcast in which two super fans dissect an episode of the hit 90s show. Listen to me call David, Billy; wax judgmental on Brenda slut shaming and confess that I had never seen a single episode of 90210, until now. Also these super hosts made these cute-ass recording boxes for sound management, and I can’t get over it.

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Okay. Time to stop procrastinating by writing this post intended to help you procrastinate. Hang in there everyone! It’s almost Labor Day weekend!


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