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My attempt to explain the “single girl badge of honor”

January 12, 2011

On doing the long distance thing – or not

January 12, 2011

News round-up: 20-something topics you should know about

January 12, 2011

Keeping it simple today with a round-up of interesting tid-bits, news stories, and new sites across the Internets. Miss Dani Rosen is visiting L.A. this week, so I’m otherwise occupied trying to prove that I know where I’m going, and how to park once I get there.

  • The New York Times highlights the trend of niche online dating. – Compatibility is rooted in like interests, so why waste your time trolling match.com and okcupid if there’s an entire site dedicated to people who prefer MAC’s to PC’s. This article breaks down the latest niche sites and explains the shift away from come-one-come-all search engines.

And that’s ten! Back Friday with a post requested by two readers via two e-mails on the very same day: The dilemma of the long-distance relationship…

’til then.


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